ACM Multimedia 2004 October Columbia University New York, NY USA
Welcome! 394 attendees for main conference 394 attendees for main conference 508 attendees total for week, including workshops 508 attendees total for week, including workshops
General ChairsHenning Schulzrinne Nevenka Dimitrova Program Co-Chair (Applications)Angela Sasse Program Co-Chair (Network) Sue Moon Program Co-Chair (Content) Rainer Lienhart TutorialsYong Rui Jon Crowcroft Video Program ChairFrank Nack Workshop ChairsChitra Dorai Tat-Seng Chua Technical Demos ChairMichael Vernick Jim Griffioen Interactive Art Program ChairsAlejandro Jaimes Pamela Jennings Doctoral Symposium ChairsHari Sundaram Pal Halvorsen Panel ChairSusanne Boll Poster ChairsSvetha Venkatesh Brian Bailey Brave New Topics ChairsLynn Wilcox Dick Bulterman
Best Open-source Software ChairsKetan Mayer-Patel Roger Zimmerman Publicity ChairsLiming Chen John C.S. Lui Michael Vernick Proceedings ChairDongge Li Web SiteLalitha Agnihotri Lira Nikolovska Registration ChairAndrew Miller Registration Web SiteBen Smith TreasurerAshutosh Dutta Local Organization ChairsBelle Tseng Weibin Zhao A/V productionXiaotao Wu Charles Shen Asia LiaisonHong Jiang Zhang Europe LiaisonRalf Steinmetz ACM SIGMM ChairRamesh Jain Larry Rowe
Help is on the way
Your Multimedia Equipment video production audio production (after the conference…)
The Making of the Program 331 full (long) papers submitted 331 full (long) papers submitted double-blind review (anonymized papers)double-blind review (anonymized papers) TPC meeting on June 19, 2004 at Columbia UniversityTPC meeting on June 19, 2004 at Columbia University Accepted 55 (17%):Accepted 55 (17%): 30 in multimedia analysis 30 in multimedia analysis 12 in multimedia networking 12 in multimedia networking 13 in multimedia tools 13 in multimedia tools 158 short paper submissions 158 short paper submissions 71 in final program (poster session)71 in final program (poster session)
What’s To Do? Keynote Keynote Paper Sessions (2 in parallel) Paper Sessions (2 in parallel) two award sessionstwo award sessions Panels Panels Interactive Art Program Interactive Art Program Demo Sessions Demo Sessions Video Demonstrations Video Demonstrations Brave New Topics Brave New Topics Open Software Competition Open Software Competition One-Minute Madness One-Minute Madness Posters Posters Doctoral Symposium Doctoral Symposium Workshops on Friday and Saturday Workshops on Friday and Saturday
Interactive Art Exhibit 9 am – 5 pm Macy Gallery of the Art DIGITAL BOUNDARIES: Multiculturalism, Identity, and Awareness you are here CEPSR Reception: Tuesday 10/ pm Macy Gallery
One Minute Madness Organized and chaired by John Kender Organized and chaired by John Kender Introduce new things that you’re working on Introduce new things that you’re working on or opinions of what others should be working onor opinions of what others should be working on Slides will be put on ACM SIGMM web site Slides will be put on ACM SIGMM web site Rules: Rules: send one slide to John Kender by Wednesday, 5 pmsend one slide to John Kender by Wednesday, 5 pm chair selectschair selects one minute (“elevator pitch”)one minute (“elevator pitch”) one slideone slide be brief, be bold, be seatedbe brief, be bold, be seated
Food, Lots of Food Breakfast and coffee breaks Breakfast and coffee breaks outside Cinema, Lerner Hall before and after plenary sessionsoutside Cinema, Lerner Hall before and after plenary sessions Room Lerner 555 and Davis (CEPSR) otherwiseRoom Lerner 555 and Davis (CEPSR) otherwise Lunches Lunches Tu: Lerner Hall AuditoriumTu: Lerner Hall Auditorium We, Th: Lerner Hall Party SpaceWe, Th: Lerner Hall Party Space Evening meals: Evening meals: Tuesday:Tuesday: Low Library reception (poster session) Low Library reception (poster session) Art Exhibit reception (8-10 pm) Art Exhibit reception (8-10 pm) Wednesday: CruiseWednesday: Cruise Thursday: on your ownThursday: on your own
Social Event on Wednesday Cruise around Manhattan Cruise around Manhattan Buses leave at 5.15, 5.30 and 5.45 on 116 th Street and Broadway Buses leave at 5.15, 5.30 and 5.45 on 116 th Street and Broadway note change! Bus departure
Sessions on Video Keynote, best paper awards, demo sessions and panels will be recorded Keynote, best paper awards, demo sessions and panels will be recorded Available as MPEG-4 on conference web site Available as MPEG-4 on conference web site Presenters will be asked to sign release form Presenters will be asked to sign release form if there are issues, let us know earlyif there are issues, let us know early Audience members and questions may appear on video Audience members and questions may appear on video
RFID In some sessions, wireless microphone is equipped with RFID badge In some sessions, wireless microphone is equipped with RFID badge Will display name of person asking question on screen Will display name of person asking question on screen No personal information is recorded No personal information is recorded Please return badge at end of conference! Please return badge at end of conference!
Hints for Authors BYOL: bring your own laptop BYOL: bring your own laptop Let registration desk know if you need audio Let registration desk know if you need audio Meet session chair 15 minutes before beginning of your session Meet session chair 15 minutes before beginning of your session 25 minutes presentation + 5 minutes for Q&A 25 minutes presentation + 5 minutes for Q&A Start connecting your laptop during Q&A of previous speaker Start connecting your laptop during Q&A of previous speaker