Isomers structural isomers constitutional isomers stereo isomers racemic mixture entantiomers geometric isomers positional isomers chiral molecules chiral centers optical isomers cis mer trans fac hydration isomers ionization isomers coordination isomers linkage isomers hydrocarbons unsaturated hydrocarbons saturated hydrocarbons alkanes alkenes alkynes aromatic compounds alkyls phenyls phenols alcohols esters ethers carbonyl groups aldehydes ketones carboxylic acids acyl chlorides organic halides amines amides resonance Arrhenius acids/bases Brönsted/Lowery acids/bases Lewis acids/bases sugarsfats polymerssolution solventsolute concentrationmolarity ppmppb wt%vol% molecular equations ionic equations net ionic equations spectator ion metathesis reaction combination reaction decomposition reaction displacement reaction redox reaction addition polymerization condensation polymerization ligand donor atom unidentate polydentate chelate coordination number coordination sphere titration titrant primary standard secondary standard end point equivalence point pH oxidation numbers
Carbon Atom HybridizationC usesC formsExample sp 3 tetrahedral4 sp 3 hybrids 4 bonds CH 4 sp 2 trigonal planar3 sp 2 hybrids & 1p orbital 3 bonds 1 bond C2H4C2H4 sp linear2 sp hybrids & 2 p orbitals 2 bonds 2 bonds C2H2C2H2
Ion/MoleculeNameName as a Ligand NH 3 ammoniaammine COcarbon monoxidecarbonyl Cl - chlorideChloro CN - cyanidecyano F-F- fluoridefluoro OH - hydroxidehydroxo NOnitrogen monoxidenitrosyl NO 2 - nitritenitro PH 3 phosphine
organic nomenclature and structure inorganic nomenclature and structure
mass of molecule Molar Mass given or calculated from periodic table Mass of element, or reactant or product Number of atoms, or molecules of reactant or product Avogadro's Number Number of molecules Molar Ratio moles of element, or other reactant or product moles of molecule Avogadro's Number Calculate from molecular formula or balanced equation Molar Mass given or calculated from periodic table Given or determined from balanced stoichiometric equation Vol solution density Concentration solution molarity, ppm, molality, normality, etc. These concepts lead to solving problems determining limiting reactant and percent yield.