Project-Based Learning Session 2, Goals & Checklists Cindy Kieffer Leslie Opp-Beckman University of Oregon
Topics, Session 02 Opening remarks. Activity 1, Review. Setting goals. Activity 2, Set goals. Making student checklists. Activity 3, Make checklists. Wrap up and homework.
Review, Choose One Projects can be in a format as… 1) Reports (notebook, folder). 2) Displays (bulletin board, poster, photos). 3) Dramatizations (skit, play, music/dance).
Activity #1, Review Discuss in groups, *new* partners: Number and age of students. Project topic and type. Project planning and structure. Work in pairs, groups? Time and resources.
Setting Goals Decisions about goals with… Teacher(s). Student(s). Others. Is it the first time for projects?
Informing Students At the *beginning* of the project, give students information about… Project overview. Goals. Checklist or “road map.” Assessment.
Types of Goals The types of goals will determine the type(s) of assessment… Language skills. Content matter. Procedural, mechanics. Affective, behavioral.
Activity #2, Goals In groups, discuss pg. 3 of handout. What goals will your project have? Who will set (choose) the goals? Language skills. Content matter. Procedural, mechanics. Affective, behavioral.
Checklists Checklists should… Match goals (categories, items). Use clear statements. Have a positive tone. Follow a logical order. Offer models, examples.
Activity #3, Checklists In groups, discuss pg. 4 of handout. What will be on your checklist? Does the checklist match the goals? What categories? What items in each category? Does the order make sense? What about models (examples)?
Management Tips Think in advance of ways to store project materials.Some Project Planner ideas… Folders, envelopes, clips. Boxes, trays, bags. Stationary vs. mobile.
Surathampitak, Window Sills
Surathampitak, Tables & Shelves
Carts, Rolling Cases
Next Session Bring your goals and checklists to our next session, so that we can use them to plan assessment. For copies of handouts:
Project-Based Learning Session 2, Goals & Checklists Cindy Kieffer Leslie Opp-Beckman University of Oregon