3D reconstruction from confocal microscopy data Alex Sossick Wellcome/CRC Institute University of Cambridge
A brief history ä Interest in magnification has been around for a long time, ä 2nd Century BC: Claudius Ptolemy: ä Described a stick appearing to bend in a pool of water, and accurately recorded the angles to within 1/2 degree for this relationship. He then very accurately calculated the refraction constant of water. ä 1st Century AD: Seneca: ä Described actual magnification by a globe of water. He wrote the following: "Letters, however small and indistinct, are seen enlarged and more clearly through a globe of glass filled with water." ä Specticals were reinvented circa , ä (the Chinese already ‘cosmetically’ had invented specticals by along time before this)
A brief history ä Credit for the first microscope is usually given to Zacharias Jansen, in Middleburg, Holland, around the year ä By the 1880’s the theoretical resolving power was achieved, 2 points only 0.2 microns apart. ä First production confocal late 1980’s
What is Confocal Microscopy? ä It is similar to conventional epi-illumination light microscopy. ä The confocal pinhole removes out of focus light, therefore optical sectioning is possible. ä The main advantage is the ability to optical section through a sample. ä It is non-invasive
A Confocal Microscopy
Nipkow Confocal
Why 3D reconstruction? ä Alot more structural information can be gained from looking at a sample at different view points.
AVS/EXPRESS ä AVS/Express gives a flexible approach to 3D image processing
The Video!!! A Wellcome/CRC production
The future with AVS/Express ä Better 3D Imaging ä Segmentation ä 4D Image processing ä Projections through time ä Slices through time
A function of Z through time
The people who did the work! Andrea Brand Jim Hasloff Emma Dormand Isabel Palacios