Report Writing Goal: Tell the readers about your team’s: –Objectives –Background –Recommendations –Reasons
Key: Define objectives, Logical ordering Start by clearly defining the goal for what you’re trying to convey Ask: –What am I trying to tell the readers? –What pieces of knowledge do readers need to know? –In what order? Put yourself in the reader’s position –Assume technically proficient but NOT a specialist: explain needed background
Outline: Divide and Conquer Break down content into small, ordered pieces: Section 1 Subsection 1.1 Subsection 1.2 Sub-subsection Sub-subsection Subsection 1.3 Section 2
Example: Report outline Abstract/Executive summary 1.Introduction Project goals, prospective benefits 2. Narrowing process/Alternatives + Down Select 3. Background on cogeneration 4. Analysis – Individual buildings 5. Analysis – Network 6. Final recommendations to Harvard 7. Future work Appendices: List of contacts at Harvard Detailed calculations Data tables References (books, web sites, articles)
Figures, Abstract Include lots of figures –Clarifies concepts, fun to read –Time consuming to prepare! Begin with an Abstract or Executive Summary –A good 200-word abstract conveys 50% of report content –Most of summary should be your results, not background and motivation –Write it after the rest of report
Individual Report Sections Assignment Length –Highly variable depending on material: 5+ pages of pure text More with figures (use lots!) Share outlines and drafts with team members Grade: –1/3 for first draft due 4/27 –2/3 for final draft due 5/4