Scoil an Léinn Eolais agus na Leabharlannaíochta UCD UCD School of Information and Library Studies OJAX: Facilitating dynamic access to repository metadata Judith Wusteman DORSDL ‘06
Overview Ajax Introducing OJAX Group discussion
Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript + XML Asynchronous communication between browser clients and server-side system A general approach to the development of interactive Web applications
Diagram of ajax? More explanation of ajax Jesse James Garrett, 2005
Ajax Applications AJAX Applications
OJAX demo
Future research directions Integrations and interoperability –e.g. OJAX as an alternative search interface for institutional repository software OJAX++ collaborative research environment
Discussion: Implications of Ajax for repository systems? Web 2.0: –Are libraries responding fast enough? Standard Web Services for libraries: –Are the library vendors doing enough? Adopting good-enough universal standards vs perfect-fit library standards: Should there be a distinction between Library 2.0 and Web 2.0 technology?
Unifying the user interface
Auto-completion Auto-search Dynamic archive list
Dynamic scrolling
Auto-expansion of results
Sorting results
OJAX 0.6: Opensearch