Flight 1 Date: 2 nd November 2004 Time: 11:45-14:30 GMT Flight Duration 165 minutes Data Collected 21.8 Mb Recording Rate: 10 Hz* Airspeed: 80 m s -1 Deployment: South Wales, XXX Bay Extensive Layer Cloud 3, feet, occasional 7,000 feet. Land and Marine Cases. N= cm -3 D= μm LWC= g m -3 CDP configured : 3-60 m, Range 0. * Using DMT PACS Software UK Flight Tests of CDP-100 NERC ARSF Do-228 UK Flight Tests of CDP-100 NERC ARSF Do-228 Flight Team (right to left): Pilot: Carl Joseph (ARSF), Instrument Scientist (Mike Flynn UoM), Co-Pilot: David Davies (ARSF) PI: M.Gallagher (UoM) Flight Team (right to left): Pilot: Carl Joseph (ARSF), Instrument Scientist (Mike Flynn UoM), Co-Pilot: David Davies (ARSF) PI: M.Gallagher (UoM)
ARSF Do-228 CDP Test Flight :45-14:30. CDP Range 0, 30 Channels, 10 Hz
Size limit of CDP CDP Test Flight :45-14:30 Time series of cloud droplet concentration mean and maximum droplet size surface area and volume
Low Temperature Test and Intercomparison Experiment with CDP, AIDA Aerosol Chamber, Karlsruhe, November 2003 Volume 84 m 3 T Range: 0 to –90 °C P Range: 0.01 to 1000 hPa Ice saturation by ice coated walls Dynamic expansion: Cooling rates 0.1 to 4 K/min RHi increase up to 100 %/min RHi: > 160 % Duration of expansion ∼ 30 min CDP & SID-1 Comparison
AIDA Facility : Preliminary tests with CDP. Exterior of AIDA Facility Bottom & Interior of AIDA chamber showing inlets at bottom for cloud spectrometers Various aerosol/cloud/ice spectrometers including CDP, CPI, WELAS, VIPS & SID-1