EDCI 306 Chapter 3 cont.
Management Strategy: TEACHER: Clap (dum, dum, dum, dum, dum…STUDENTS: clap, clap) Management Strategy: TEACHER: Clap (dum, dum, dum, dum, dum…STUDENTS: clap, clap) Practice Microteaching Lesson Practice Microteaching Lesson Tone Color Tone Color Dynamics Dynamics Musical Forms Musical Forms Melodic Dictation Melodic Dictation Introduction to Keyboards (if time) Introduction to Keyboards (if time) APA Review (COE 417) APA Review (COE 417) Read Chapter 4, 4 measures of RD and MD, Mini-research paper topic and 3 references
Fundamentals Tone Color – “distinctive qualities that distinguish one sound from another” Tone Color – “distinctive qualities that distinguish one sound from another” ( Rozmajzl & Boyer-Alexander (2000) Music Fundamentals, Methods, and Materials for the Elementary Classroom Teacher. New York: Longman, p 106) Dynamics – loud (f) and soft (p) Dynamics – loud (f) and soft (p) Crescendo and decrescendo Crescendo and decrescendo Musical Form Musical Form Binary, Ternary, Rondo, Fugue, Theme and Variation Binary, Ternary, Rondo, Fugue, Theme and Variation
A real leader faces the music, even when he doesn’t like the tune. -Anonymous