Ali Hanks - group 7/20/09 1 Cluster splitting - all cluster pairs
Ali Hanks - group 7/20/09 2 Cut to reject split clusters Physically motivated by pair mass vs asymm and opening angle: –m = R*pt1*√(1-asymm)/(1+asymm) asymm signed for this cut: asym = (pt1-pt2)/(pt1+pt2) –cut: reject photons that have any pair with m < 0.05
Ali Hanks - group 7/20/09 3 Cluster splitting - with cuts
Ali Hanks - group 7/20/09 4 residual bad towers
Ali Hanks - group 7/20/09 5 Cluster splitting - with cuts
Ali Hanks - group 7/20/09 6 0 efficiency