Introduction to SEG 5010 Hong Cheng 2009/10 Second Term
Course Information Website: Meet at 8:45am every Wednesday at ERB408 Class is canceled on 20/01/2010
Assessment Presentation (30%) –Everyone chooses a topic and prepares a 45 minutes presentation –Please make an appointment with me two weeks before your presentation to discuss the content –Please send me your slides one day before the class for upload
Survey report (30%) –Write a survey report on the topic you present –The report should be no less than 4 pages double-column –Deadline will be announced later
Project (40%) –Form a group of size one or two for a project –Work on a project related to graph
Project Timeline 1.Proposal 20% (by 11:59pm, 01/03/2010) –Form a team, select a topic and write a proposal –Proposal should include: problem definition, datasets, tasks and working plan –You are encouraged to make an appointment with me to discuss your proposal before your submission
Project Timeline 2. Midway report 20% (by 11:59pm, 31/03/10) –Report should include: What has been done, and Plan for the rest of the project
Project Timeline 3. Project presentation/demo 30% (21/04/10 and 28/04/10 in class) –Each group presents for 25 minutes + 3 minutes Q&A –The presentation will be graded by me and all other students –Your presentation should include: Problem and motivation Background and related work Proposed solution Results What you have learned from the project
Project Timeline 4. Project report 30% (by 11:59pm, 5/5/2010) –Format: follow the format of normal conference papers –Length: no less than 5 pages double-column and no more than 15 pages double-column –Content: like a normal conference paper, include introduction, problem definition, solution, experimental study, related works and conclusions. –Contribution: describe the contribution of each group member in this project
Submission Submit your reports and slides by to