Coye Cheshire & Andrew Fiore June 26, 2015 // Computer-Mediated Communication CMC & Society
6/26/2015Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore1 Trustworthiness / Trust / Reputation Information Pools / Collaborative Effort Social presentation Intimate relationship Media richness Online communities
6/26/2015Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore2 Computer Mediated Communication
6/26/2015Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore3 Overarching theoretical perspectives PsychologySocial cognition, interpersonal perception, attraction SociologyGroup dynamics, social structure, reputation, trust CommunicationMediation, signaling, media richness HCIInterfaces for social interaction
6/26/2015Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore4 From Perceptions to Institutions? (aggregate social level) Organizations, Institutions (interpersonal interaction level) Person-to-person interaction (individual level) Perception, thoughts, personalities Macro Micro
6/26/2015Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore5 What about all that PD stuff? “Under what conditions will cooperation emerge in a world of egoists without central authority?”
6/26/2015Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore6 “Mediated” Communication and Social Dilemmas We already know that Information Pools have underlying social dilemmas… …but how does ‘mediated communication’ affect anonymity, pseudonymity, and interaction more broadly?
6/26/2015Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore7 Types of Internet Situations by Frequency and Continuity Random PartnerFixed Partner One-shot interaction Examples: Solicitations by attachments from unknown individuals Iterated interaction Examples: Peer-to-peer digital goods exchange Online “ pick-up ” games (i.e., card games) Examples: Online communities (message boards, channels) Online auctions Chat programs (IRC, IM programs) Massively multiplayer internet games (Cheshire & Cook 2004)
6/26/2015Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore8 Computer Networks as Social Networks (Wellman et al.) Accessibility of Networks Usefulness of Networks Multiplexity of Networks Strong Ties and Weak Ties
6/26/2015Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore9 Grand Theory of CMC?
6/26/2015Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore10 © Ivan Tam and John Mark Josling
6/26/2015Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore11 Design considerations Treat CMC as architecture — nature of space shapes behavior. Choose media richness deliberately. Do you want to promote hyperpersonal effect, or perception more grounded in reality? Show detail appropriate to data precision and user needs. Take extra care with human forms.
6/26/2015Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore12 Course evaluations!