Spectrometer Solenoid Update Steve Virostek - LBNL MICE Video Conference #145 December 15, 2011
Topics Technical progress - First unit assembly at Wang NMR - Parts fabrication at LBNL - Progress on second unit Manpower update Projected schedule
Technical Progress – First Unit Assembly Cold mass - Quench resistor assembly installed and electrically tested - Cold mass cover plate welded in place - MLI standoff brackets installed on cold mass exterior - Temperature sensors and heaters installed on exterior - Cooler condenser tubes and vent tubes welded in place - Additional LTS stabilizer added to external leads - Vacuum leak check successfully completed - MLI blankets applied to cold mass outer surfaces - Cold mass supports wrapped with MLI Cryocooler tower - Benchtop assembly now under way w/top and end plates - All five cryocooler sleeve assemblies are complete - Additional parts being completed in LBNL shop
Modified Passive Quench Assembly
MLI Brackets and Cold Mass Heaters
MLI Wrapped Cold Mass
MLI Wrap at Cold Mass End
Technical Progress – Shield, Vacuum Vessel Thermal radiation shield - Outer shield complete w/all cutouts - End plates complete w/eddy current slits - Copper to aluminum transition plates welded in place - Outer shield installed around cold mass - Temperature sensors installed on outer tube - MLI blanket wrap to be complete today Vacuum vessel - Added penetrations in vacuum vessel wall complete - 4 th & 5 th cooler openings added - Larger vacuum ports added w/connection flanges - Ends have been prepared for end plates - End plate modified for He window connection - Interior cleaned in preparation for assembly
Cold Mass/Shield and Vacuum Vessel
Upper Shield Cu/Al Transition
New Cold Mass Vent Lines
Prep for Shield MLI Wrapping
Shield and Cooler Temperature Sensors
Modified Vacuum Vessel
LBNL Parts Fabrication Completed Cryocooler sleeve parts Quench resistor assembly MLI standoff brackets for cold mass Main tower top and end plates 5 th cooler top, side and end plates Vacuum vessel end plate modification Vacuum cleaning of all parts Under Way Cooler first stage copper plates Main tower side plates Copper flexible shield connection sheets Iron shield mounting pads Support feet for modified stand
Progress on Second Unit No work started on cold mass modification MLI standoff brackets for cold mass completed All MLI blankets have been received Outer shield tube rolled, penetrations under way Shield end plates complete All cooler sleeve parts on hand – braze/weld soon Tower exterior/interior parts are complete or under way Vacuum vessel modifications are complete Iron shield mounting pads are under way New vacuum vessel support feet in fabrication
Manpower Update Roy Preece is continuing to coordinate additional design effort along with assembly and parts fabrication Dennis Calais is carrying out and supervising the MLI wrapping and sensor installation on a full time basis One or two additional LBNL mech techs are assisting with the assembly on an as needed basis Heng Pan (postdoc) has begun assisting with assembly tasks in addition to his analysis work The MICE Project work in the LBNL fabrication shop has been given a high priority by the Engineering Division John Joseph and and electrical tech are working on the rewiring of the power supply racks Ongoing consulting with T. Niinikoski, S. Prestemon, MIT
Projected Schedule Running ~1 week behind milestones presented by R. Preece at MICO166 Cold mass and shield to be installed in vacuum vessel next week Vacuum vessel closed, ready for leak check: mid-Feb 2012 First unit ready for cooldown and training: mid-Mar 2012 First unit ready for shipping to RAL: mid-May 2012 First unit arrives at RAL: mid-Jun 2012 Second unit arrives at RAL: end Jul 2012