1 Pertemuan 18 Charismatic and Transformational Leadership Matakuliah: MPG / Leadership and Organisation Tahun: 2005 Versi: versi/revisi 0
2 Learning Outcomes After studying this chapter students should be able to: Understand how theories of charismatic and Transformational leadership differ from earlier leadership theories. Understand similarities and differences among the major theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. Understand why attributions of charisma are jointly determined by the leader, the followers, and the situation. Understand what traits, behaviors, and influence processes are involved in charismatic and transformational leadership. Understand why charismatic leadership can result in undesirable consequences for followers and the organisation. Understand what research methods have been used to evaluate theories of transformational and charismatic leadership. Understand the major findings in empirical research on the effects of charismatic and transformational leadership. Understand what leaders can do to become more transformational.
3 Outline Materi Two early theories –Charisma –Transforming Leadership Attribution Theory of Charismatic Leadership Self-Concept Theory of Charismatic Leadership Other Conceptions of Charisma Consequences of Charismatic Leadership Transformational Leadership Research on the Theories Transformational versus Charismatic Leadership Evaluation of the Theories Guidelines for Transformational Leadership Summary Review and Discussion Questions Cases
4 Charismatic and Transformational Leadership
5 Transactional Leadership involves an exchange process that may result in follower compliance with leader request but is not likely to generate enthusiasm and commitment to task objectives Leader Behaviors Influence Processes Facilitating Conditions
6 Research on the theories Survey research Laboratory experiments Field experiment Descriptive and comparative studies Intensive case studies
7 Transformational Versus Charismatic leadership Transformational has been broadly defined to include almost any type of effective leadership, regardless of the underlying influence process. Emphasis on charisma and personal identification Transformational leaders probably do more things that will empower followers and them less dependent on the leader
8 Charismatic leaders probably do more things that foster an image of extraordinary competence, such as impression management, information restriction, unconventional behavior, and personal risk taking
9 Evaluation of the theories Guidelines for Transformational Leadership –Articulate a clear and appealing vision –Explain how the vision can be attained –Act confidently and optimistically –Express confidence in followers –Use dramatic, symbolic actions to emphasize key values –Lead by example –Empower people to achieve the vision
10 Closing Summary –Attributions of charisma are the result of an interactive process between leader, followers and the situation. –Charismatic leaders can have a tremendous influence on an organization, but the consequences are not always beneficial.
11 Transformational Leaders make followers more aware of importance and value of the work and induce followers to transcend self-interest for the sake of the organization. Emotional processes are as important as rational processes, and symbolic actions are as instrumental behavior.
12 Review and Discussion Questions Cases –Metro Bank –Astro Airlines: Part 1 –Astro Airlines: Part 2 Companion Website : Exercises and Reading