Passion Narrative 1.Passion narratives in Mark & John compared 2.Historical and theological causes of Jesus’ death 3.Resurrection.
Passion Narrative in Mark & John ScenesPassion narrative in Mark Passion narrative in John Prayer before arrest 14: : 20-36, 18: 1 Arrest14: : 2-11 Trial before Jewish authorities 14: : Trial before Pilate15: : : 16 Crucifixion & Death 15: : Resurrection16: 1-820: 1-31
El Greco, Agony in the Garden
Kiss of Judas.
Judas’ betrayal: the greatest sin or personal drama?
Pilate’s question Quid est veritas? Silent answer: Est vir qui ad est
Immediate Historical Causes of Jesus’ Death Conspiracy of Jewish leaders (their misdirected religious zeal, envy, ignorance, fear to lose power) Charges: –violated Sabbath rest –threatened to destroy the Temple –put himself in God’s place (blasphemy)
Deeper Causes of Jesus’ Death The world’s captivity to the demonic powers Humanity’s sin Will of God the Father
Objections to Resurrection Miracles don’t happen Apparent death Hallucinations hypothesis The Wrong Tomb hypothesis Incomplete & inconsistent evidence