Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 1 CP Violation in B Decays and the CKM Matrix Emmanuel Olaiya Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Physics in Collision Boston 27 th June
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 2 Contents Asymmetric B factories –BaBar and Belle CKM Matrix BaBar and Belle measurements of – – – BaBar and Belle Measurements of –V cb –V ub
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 3 KEKB Collider Collider located in Japan
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 4 Belle Detector SC solenoid 1.5T CsI(Tl) 16X 0 TOF counter 8GeV e Si vtx. det. 3 lyr. DSSD / K L detection 14/15 lyr. RPC+Fe Tracking + dE/dx small cell + He/C 2 H 5 3.5GeV e Aerogel Cherenkov cnt. n=1.015~1.030
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 5 PEP II Collider Collider located on Stanford University grounds, USA
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 6 BaBar Detector Cherenkov Detector (DIRC) [144 quartz bars, PMTs Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT)[5 double-sided layers] Instrumented Flux Return (IFR) [Iron interleaved with RPCs]. CsI(Tl) Calorimeter (EMC) [6580 crystals]. Superconducting Coil (1.5T) Drift Chamber [24 stereo lyrs, 16 axial lyrs](DCH) e - (9 GeV) e + (3 GeV)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 7 B Factory luminosities At last look (22 nd June) collected luminosities were BaBar – fb-1 Belle – fb-1 (Record luminosity!) Results from this talk are based on datasets of Babar ≤ 113 fb-1 Belle ≤ 140 fb-1
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 8 CKM matrix Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (1973) matrix also in the Wolfenstein representation: CPV e.g.: V ud V * ub + V cd V * cb + V td V * tb =0 A = 0.83 ± 0.05, ~ 0.22 Alternative notation ( 1, 2, 3 ) = ( , , ) Alternative notation ( 1, 2, 3 ) = ( , , )
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 9 CP Violation CP violation can arise from interference in decay mixing q/p For charmonium modes: Direct CP violation CP violation through mixing
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 10 (1)(1)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 11 sin2 from charmionium modes (b→ccs) CP=-1 CP=+1 b→ccs tt tt sin(2 ) = ± (stat) ± (syst) sin(2 ) = ± (stat) ± (syst) 140 fb fb -1 +
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 12 sin2 from b s penguins B 0 K s, B 0 ’ K s, B 0 K s,B 0 f K s, –are dominated by b s penguins Penguin dominated decays provide the best possibility of observing new physics (NP) New particles (e.g SUSY) can enter the loop In SM we measure sin2 eff ~ - f S f If Tree contribution is negligible we measure sin2 exclusively on penguins Following analyses perform –t-dependent CP-asymmetries measurements –Maximum Likelihood K B “Naïve” flavor symmetry T/P |- f S f – sin2 | K s 0.0 < 0.3 [2] ’ K s ~0.02 [1] < 0.4 [2] <~0.15[4] K s ~0.04 [1] < 0.2 [3] [1] D.London and A.Soni, PLB 407, (1997). [2] Y.Grossman, Z.Ligeti,Y.Nir, H.Quinn, PRD 68, (2003). [3] M.Gronau, Y.Grossman, J.Rosner, PLB 579, (2004). [4] M.Gronau, J.Rosner, J.Zupan hep-ph/ (2004).
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 13 B 0 K S /K L S K = 0.47 ± 0.34(stat) (syst) C = 0.01 ± 0.33(stat) ± 0.10(syst) S K = ± 0.50(stat) (syst) C = ± 0.29(stat) ± 0.07(syst) B0 K S 70±9 events B0 K L 52±16 events B0 K S 68±11 events 140 fb fb -1 hep-ex/ submitted to PRLPRL91, (2003) 3.5 deviation from SM
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 14 B 0 K + K - K S 140 fb ±18 events 201±16 events 110 fb -1 - S s = 0.56 ± 0.25 (stat) ± 0.04 (syst) C s = ± 0.19 (stat) ± 0.10 (syst ) - S s = 0.51 ± 0.26 (stat) ± 0.05 (syst) C s = ± 0.16 (stat) ± 0.04 (syst ) Use high statistics outside mass. CP state even state measured from: Garmash et al, Phys. Rev., D69, Asymmetry plot reversed
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 15 B 0 ’ K S 203 19 events S ’ s = 0.02 ± 0.34 (stat) ± 0.03 (syst) C ’ s = 0.10 ± 0.22 (stat) ± 0.03 (syst) 81.9 fb fb 21 events S ’ s = 0.43 ± 0.27 (stat) ± 0.05 (syst) C ’ s = 0.01 ± 0.16 (stat) ± 0.04 (syst) PRL 91, (2003)PRL 91, (2003)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 16 B 0 f 0 (980) K S 94 14 events Total Continuum All bgk fb -1 -S f s =1.62 (stat) ± 0.09 (syst) ± 0.04 (model) C f s = 0.27 ± 0.36 (stat) ± 0.10 (syst) ± 0.07 (model) S values is 1.2 from physical limit and 1.7 from SM Submitted to PRL Mass measured is 981 ± 6 MeV/c 2
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 17 B 0 0 K S S s = 0.48 (stat) ± 0.09 (syst) C s = 0.40 (stat) ± 0.06 (syst) hep-ex/ , submitted to PRL 122±16 events 110 fb -1
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 18 Measurements
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 19 Sin2 Comments Sin2 measured from charmonium modes –Clear observation of CP violation –Good agreement between BaBar and Belle Sin2 from charmless channels –Measurement has expanded to numerous rare decays –Interesting results on B 0 K S (Belle observe new Physics?) –Look forward to the analysis of larger datasets from both BaBar and Belle
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 20 (2)(2)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 21 Measuring Set a limit on the shift from penguins, - eff (useful only if the B → h 0 h 0 BR is small): Y. Grossman, H. R. Quinn, Phys. Rev., D58, (1998) M. Gronau, D. London, Phys. Rev. Lett., 65, 3381 (1990) Both tree and penguin amplitudes contribute. If no penguins:With penguin contributions: Two triangular (isospin) relations can be constructed:
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 22 B0+-B0+- The B 0 → 0 0 BR was measured at BABAR, PRL (2003), and at Belle. PRL (2002) large penguin contributions: eff | (90% cl) HFAG 113 fb -1 PRL (2003) 266 24 events B 0 tags 81 fb -1
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 23 B0+-B0+- r (flavor tag quality) LR good high poor low 140 fb -1 Evidence for direct CP violation?
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 24 B 0 + - crosschecks : B =(1.47 0.09) ps K : B =(1.52 0.06) ps World average (PDG2003) (1.537 0.015) ps Background shape fits to continuum Null asymmetry S K = 0.14 0.11 C = 0.08
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 25 B0+-B0+- S C Feldman- Cousins Analysis Evidence for direct CP violation 3.2 from C =0 and any S CL=0.683 (1 ) CL=0.955 (2 ) CL= (3 ) (degrees) (degrees) 90 ≤ ≤ 146 (95.5% CL)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 26 + - and the Grossman-Quinn bound Exploit the Grossman-Quinn bound to limit =| - eff | and explore the feasibility of the measurement: small BR! penguin dominated B 0 + - is a Vector-Vector decay the decay can proceed through 3 helicity amplitudes: =0 → longitudinal polarization. Pure CP even eigenstate. = ±1→ transverse polarization. Mix of CP even and odd eigenstates. The decay B 0 + - has been observed at BaBar and its BR and polarization measured: ( PRD 69, (2004) and hep-ex/ , submitted to PRL ) HFAG
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 27 Full likelihood Background Data B 0 + - - CP Asymmetry Results 113 fb -1 cleaner B tags all B tags m ES EE tt
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 28 B 0 + - - Measurement of From Isospin Analysis B 0 + - information provides new value in the CKM fit
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 29 B 0 + - - Measurement of ignores non-resonance contribution and interference with other 4 modes and assumes no I=1 contribution Confidence level contours from CKM fit The B system provides the most stringent constraint on
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 30 Comments on Direct CP violation evidence at Belle through B 0 + - –C + - = ± 0.15 ± 0.07 No evidence with the same mode at BaBar –C + - = ± 0.19 ± 0.05 New constraint on measured at BaBar through B 0 + -
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 31 (3)(3)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 32 B - D (*)0 K (*)- can be measured from interferences between (b→u) and (b→c) decay amplitudes Color suppressed = difference of strong phases between B + D 0 K + and B - D 0 K - (modified) Gronau-London-Wyler (Phys. Lett. B253, 483 (1991); Phys. Lett. B (1991)) Gronau-London-Wyler Method
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 33 B - D 0 K - Results Gronau Phys.Lett. B557, 198 PRL 92, PRD 68, R + = 1.06 ± 0.19 ± 0.06 A + = 0.07 ± 0.17 ± fb fb -1 R + = 1.21 ± 0.25 ± 0.14 A + = 0.06 ± 0.19 ± 0.04 R - = 1.41 ± 0.27 ± 0.15 A - = ± 0.17 ± 0.05
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 34 B - D 0 K - Dalitz If both D 0 and anti-D 0 decay into the same final state, B + →D 0 K+ and B + →anti-D 0 K+ interfere Mixed state is Phase + is the sum of the weak and strong phases + Use 3-body final state which is identical for D 0 and anti-D 0 (K s + - ) If final model D 0 K s + - ) is known, the parameters r and can be extracted from a Dalitz plot analysis For B - D 0 K - decay, weak phase of color suppressed amplitude changes sign, yet the strong phase is unchanged, - = - Can extract r, and with a simultaneous fit to B + and B - data
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 35 B - D 0 K - Dalitz Study D*→D 0 π – decays and obtain D 0 →K s π + π – Dalitz parameters events in data D 0 →Ksπ+π– Dalitz fit
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 36 B - D (*)0 K - Dalitz B D0K - 73 events B D0K + 73 events CL 37< CL In the absence of CP violation, the number of B+ and B- events should be the same B D *0 K+ 20 events B D *0 K- 19 events CL -31< CL Fit the D 0 →K s π + π – Dalitz plot for B D *(0) K- decays and extract
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 37 sin(2 + ) with B - D (*)0 - High Statistics, no Penguins but small CP Asymmetry γ Dominant decay : (b → c) transition Suppressed decay : (b → u) transition mixing : 2β
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 38 sin(2 + ) with B - D (*)0 - a c ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± D 0 D *0 a c ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± a c ± ± ± ± D 0 D *0 D 0 D *0 AVERAGE |sin(2 )| > 0 at 99.4% CL |sin(2 )| > 0.58 at 95% CL
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 39 Comments on Current B factories are now producing measurements Different methods for measuring , eg. B - D 0 K -, B - D 0 - Precision limitation is mainly statistical
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 40 V cb & V ub
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 41 Moments, for example Vcb and Vub with Semileptonic decays Semileptonic B decays provide best method for determination of |V cb | and |V ub | –transition matrix element M factorizes : leptonic current (W * l ), M lep (easy) hadronic current (b W * c), M had (QCD, hadronic uncertainties) Theoretical framework : HQE –expand M had in powers of 1/m b in terms of local operators matrix elements of these operators (" G 2 ", " "...) represent properties of b quark in B meson ( kinetic energy, chromomagnetic coupling to gluon spin) –perturbative corrections to coefficients HQE –No locally exact predictions of d /dE e or d /dM x (singularities) –However, problems cancel "on average"
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 42 V cb and V ub with Semileptonic decays shape |V cb | 2, |V ub | 2 Shape Rate Inclusive E l spectrum Semileptonic B decay E l [GeV] Shape Rate for M x <1.55 Inclusive M x spectrum (log-scale)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 43 Semileptonic B Decays & HQE Relation between inclusive decay width and |V cb | : –contains b- and c-quark masses m b and m c (at =1GeV) 2 related to kinetic energy of b-quark in B meson G 2 related to chromomagnetic coupling of b-quark to spin of gluons B / B * mass splitting –two more parameters at order 1/m b 3 –Darwin term ( ) and spin-orbit interaction ( ) Problem: Large uncertainties in m b,m c, ‘s, ‘s Solution : HQE predictions of moments of incl. distributions =1 GeV/c, scale which separates effects from long- and short-distance dynamics r = m b /m c, z 0 = tree-level phase space factor, A pert = pert. corrections ( s, s 2 0 ) Mass of hadronic system Lepton energy spectrum
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 44 Simultaneous Fit to E e and M x Moments i-th central E l moment for E l >E 0 : i-th M x moment and E l >E 0 : |V cb | " master" formula : : Calculations taken from Gambino and Uraltsev, hep/ph high correlation between measurements : this fit uses solid points only 82 fb -1
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 45 Fit Results BABAR Δχ 2 =1 ellipses 2D projections of the fit result: Strong correlation between m b and m c : m b (1 GeV) – m c (1 GeV) = (3.44±0.03 exp ±0.02 HQE ±0.01 α s ) GeV kinetic mass scheme To be submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. BABAR
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 46 Results Overview B B X l
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 47 B X u l Results Inclusive M x spectrum : –Use shape function for extrapolation –F. De Fazio, M.Neubert JHEP 9906, 017 (1999) Extraction of |V ub | : –formula from CKM 2002 workshop : error due to extrapolation and efficiency error of transition (B X u l ) |V ub | (Uraltsev, Hoang) with B =(1.608 0.016) ps Ongoing discussion on how to improve understanding of theoretical error on shape function Events with fully reconstructed hadronic B decay lepton with p* > 1 GeV/c veto on K+, K0s decays m 2 miss < 0.5 GeV 2 /c 4, Qtot = 0 Extract number of signal events with Mx<1.55 GeV/c2 by fitting sum of 3 shapes to full Mx distribution : signal b c l n background other sources (<1%) misidentified leptons t and secondary charm decays 82 fb -1
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 48 B X u l : Results Extract number of signal events with Mx 0.8 GeV : b c l n background floated in the fit 1376 ± 167 signal events 7283 ±130 background evensts M b = 4.80 ± fb -1
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 49 Comments on Vcb and Vub New results on V cb and V ub from B factories Twice the data sample used available for updates However precision limitation is mainly theoretical.
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 50 Summary CP violation is now well established in the B sector thanks to Belle and BaBars charmonium measurements of sin2 Measurement have expanded to charmless penguins, B 0 K s, B 0 ’ K s, B 0 K s,B 0 f K s –New physics observed with B 0 K s ? Await analyses on larger datasets with great interest Better bounds on using B 0 + -, B 0 + - Evidence for direct CP violation in B 0 + - –Await analyses on larger datasets with great interest B factories now producing results Over to theorists to help improve the precision measurements of Vcb and Vub The sin2 measurements have been a huge success and the B factory experiments have shown that there is still a large amount of interesting physics in progress
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PIC, Boston 2004Emmanuel Olaiya 51