Barbaros Preveze Electronics and Communications Engineering, Çankaya University Ankara, Turkey Aysel Ş afak Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ba Ş kent University, Ankara, Turkey ELECO BURSA1 Associativity Tick Averaged Associativity based Routing for Real Time Mobile Networks
Associativity Based Routing (ABR), is one of the best long lived Routing methods known, where associativity based means keeping the number of signals( ticks) that a node receives from each of other nodes. The main purpose of ABR is maximising the life time of the routes in a mobile network while minimising the outage times of the links in comparision with other relay selection algorithms which are; Miminum distance Path, Minmax distance path and Power Threshold Relay selection algorithms. ELECO BURSA2 Associativity Tick Averaged Associativity based Routing for Real Time Mobile Networks
The work we have done is, proving that ABR has really better results than other relay selection algorithms and improving the performance of ABR in terms of life time and outage times without any modification on protocol or frame structure of ABR. Here we propose a new algorithm that will give better results than ABR and will still be usefull in real time applications. ELECO BURSA3 Associativity Tick Averaged Associativity based Routing for Real Time Mobile Networks
Minimum Distance Path This algorithm selects the relay through which our packets travel through the minimum distance for each possible route S from Tx to Rx ELECO BURSA4 UNDERSTANDING RELAY SELECTION ALGORITHMS
Minmax Distance Path This algorithm selects the path from a set of paths for which the maximum distance between any 2 linked nodes of the path, is lower than all other path’s corresponding values, by this way enough signal power level received by any node, is tried to be provided. ELECO BURSA5 UNDERSTANDING RELAY SELECTION ALGORITHMS
Relay Selection Using Power Threshold (PT) This algorithm selects the relay for which the Tx receives the signal with the power level greater than Power threshold and other relays power levels. ELECO BURSA6 UNDERSTANDING RELAY SELECTION ALGORITHMS
Availability : Indicates whether the node is avaiable or not Number of AT’s : Indicates the duration that the corresponding node is available. AT Thresholds : The calculated threshold value which will be used by the owner of the table (R1 here) in deciding to choose the path. ELECO BURSA7 UNDERSTANDING ABR
For the given example table above ; R1 can communicate with R2 (3 < 16/6) R3 (2 >= 12/6) R4 (4 > 14/6) Rx (7 > 15/6) Tx (0 < 5/6) ELECO BURSA8 UNDERSTANDING ABR
ELECO BURSA10 *UNDERSTANDING ATAABR If 3 paths are selected as a result of ATAABR (such that AT > AT Threshold for all partial links), the path Tx Rx will be eliminated since it has more hop counts than available minimum hop counts in other paths. Then instead of selecting one of them randomly one of the paths from the selected ones which has three hops (minimum hop count) will be selected according to ;.
ELECO BURSA12 RESULTS for MULTIHOP RELAY SELECTION ALGORITHMS Number of Max. Relay Changes and improvement percentage at the end of 350 seconds Relay Changes İmprovement in 350 seconds Minmax distance49-- Total Distance40%18.3 Power Threshold34% 15% 30.6 ABR12% 35.2% 75.5 ATAABR10%16.6%79.5
ELECO BURSA13 RESULTS for MULTIHOP RELAY SELECTION ALGORITHMS Number of outage counts and improvement percentage at the end of 350 seconds Outage Counts İmprovement in 350 seconds ABR22- ATAABR20%9.09
CONCLUSION An extension of associativity Based Routing algorithm is developed and compared with ABR (associativity Based Routing ) in terms of number of RRC’s and outage times. it’s seen from the output of the simulation that, ATAABR (associativity tick averaged associativity Based Routing) provides better performance for number of RCC’s and number of outage counts than ABR. it is also observed that ATAABR has much more better performance than ABR and other well known single hop relay selection algorithms such as minimum distance path, minmax path and path according to power threshold, The improvement of these factors will give huge advantages in real time applications such as video or voice conversations, for which calculation time for RRC and having a reliable connection is extremely important than other applications. ELECO BURSA14
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