Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © October 29th, 2007 Majd F. Sakr CS-447– Computer Architecture M,W 10-11:20am Lecture 16 Superscalar Processors
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © During This Lecture °Introduction to Superscalar Pipelined Processors Limitations of Scalar Pipelines From Scalar to Superscalar Pipelines Superscalar Pipeline Overview
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © General Performance Metrics °Performance is determined by (1) Instruction Count, (2) Clock Rate, & (3) CPI –Clocks per Instructions. °Exe Time = Instruction Count * CPI * Cycle Time °The Instruction Count is governed by Compiler’s Techniques & Architectural decisions °The CPI is primarily governed by Architectural decisions. ° The Cycle Time is governed by technology improvements & Architectural decisions.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © One Instruction resident in Processor The number of stages, K=1 Scalar Unpipelined Processor °Only ONE instruction can be resident at the processor at any given time. °The whole processor is considered as ONE stage, k=1. CPI = 1 / IPC
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pipelined Processor °K –number of pipe stages, instructions are resident at the processor at any given time. °In our example, K=5 stages, number of parallelism (concurrent instruction in the processor) is also equal to 5. °One instruction will be accomplished each clock cycle, CPI = IPC = 1
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Example of a Six-Stage Pipelined Processor
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pipelining & Performance °The Pipeline Depth is the number of stages implemented in the processor, it is an architectural decision, also it is directly related to the technology. In the previous example K=5. °The Stall’s CPI are directly related to the code’s instructions and the density of existing dependences and branches. °Ideally the CPI is ONE.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Super-Pipelining Processor °IF (Instruction Fetch) : requires a cache access in order to get the next instruction to be delivered to the pipeline. °ID (Instruction Decode) : requires that the control unit decodes the instruction to know what it does. °Obviously the fetch stage cache access, requires much more time than the decode stage – combinational logic. °Why not subdivide each pipe-stage into m other stages of smaller amount of time required for each stage; minor cycle time.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Super-Pipelining Processor °The machine can issue a new instruction every minor cycle. °Parallelism = K x m. ° For this figure, //’ism = K x m = 4 x 3 = 12. Super-pipelined machine of Degree m=3
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Stage Quantazation °(a) four-stage instruction pipeline °(b) eleven-stage instruction pipeline
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Superscalar machine of Degree n=3 °The superscalar degree is determined by the issue parallelism n, the maximum number of instructions that can be issued in every machine cycle. °Parallelism = K x n. ° For this figure, //’ism = K x n = 4 x 3 =12 °Is there any reason why the superscalar machine cannot also be superpipelined?
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Superpipelined Superscalar Machine °The superscalar degree is determined by the issue parallelism n, and the sub-stages m, & the number of stages k. °Parallelism = K x m x n ° For this figure, //’ism = K x m x n = 5 x 3 x 3 = 45
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Characteristics of Superscalar Machines °Simultaneously advance multiple instructions through the pipeline stages. °Multiple functional units => higher instruction execution throughput. °Able to execute instructions in an order different from that specified by the original program. °Out of program order execution allows more parallel processing of instructions.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Limitations of Scalar Pipelines °Instructions, regardless of type, traverse the same set of pipeline stages. °Only one instruction can be resident in each pipeline stage at any time. °Instructions advance through the pipeline stages in a lockstep fashion. °Upper bound on pipeline throughput.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Deeper Pipeline, a Solution? °Performance is proportional to (1) Instruction Count, (2) Clock Rate, & (3) IPC –Instructions Per Clock. °Deeper pipeline has fewer logic gate levels in each stage, this leads to a shorter cycle time & higher clock rate. °But deeper pipeline can potentially incur higher penalties for dealing with inter-instruction dependences.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Bounded Pipelines Performance °Scalar pipeline can only initiate at most one instruction every cycle, hence IPC is fundamentally bounded by ONE. °To get more instruction throughput, we must initiate more than one instruction every machine cycle. °Hence, having more than one instruction resident in each pipeline stage is necessary; parallel pipeline.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Inefficient Unification into a Single Pipeline °Different instruction types require different sets of computations. °In IF, ID there is significant uniformity of different instruction types.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Inefficient Unification into a Single Pipeline °But in execution stages ALU & MEM there is substantial diversity. °Instructions that require long & possibly variable latencies (F.P. Multiply & Divide) are difficult to unify with simple instructions that require only a single cycle latency.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Diversified Pipelines °Specialized execution units customized for specific instruction types will contribute to the need for greater diversity in the execution stages. °For parallel pipelines, there is a strong motivation to implement multiple different execution units –subpipelines, in the execution portion of parallel pipeline. We call such pipelines diversified pipelines.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Performance Lost Due to Rigid Pipelines °Instructions advance through the pipeline stages in a lockstep fashion; in- order & synchronously. °If a dependent instruction is stalled in pipeline stage i, then all earlier stages, regardless of their dependency or NOT, are also stalled.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Rigid Pipeline Penalty °Only after the inter-instruction dependence is satisfied, that all i stalled instructions can again advance synchronously down the pipeline. °If an independent instruction is allowed to bypass the stalled instruction & continue down the pipeline stages, an idling cycle of the pipeline can be eliminated.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Out-Of-Order Execution °It is the act of allowing the bypassing of a stalled leading instruction by trailing instructions. Parallel pipelines that support out-of-order execution are called dynamic pipelines.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © From Scalar to Superscalar Pipelines °Superscalar pipelines are parallel pipelines: able to initiate the processing of multiple instructions in every machine cycle. °Superscalar are diversified; they employ multiple & heterogeneous functional units in their execution stages. °They are implemented as dynamic pipelines in order to achieve the best possible performance without requiring reordering of instructions by the compiler.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Parallel Pipelines °A k-stage pipeline can have k instructions concurrently resident in the machine & can potentially achieve a factor of k speedup over nonpipelined machines. °Alternatively, the same speedup can be achieved by employing k copies of the nonpipelined machine to process k instructions in parallel.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Temporal & Spatial Machine Parallelism °Spatial parallelism requires replication of the entire processing unit hence needs more hardware than temporal parallelism. °Parallel pipelines employs both temporal & spatial machine parallelism, that would produce higher instruction processing throughput.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Parallel Pipelines °For parallel pipelines, the speedup is primarily determined by the width of the parallel pipeline. °A parallel pipeline with width s can concurrently process up to s instructions in each of its pipeline stages; and produce a potential speedup of s.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Parallel Pipeline’s Interconnections °To connect all s instruction buffers from one stage to all s instructions buffers of the next stage, the circuitry for inter-stage interconnection can increase by a factor of s 2. °In order to support concurrent register file access by s instructions, the number of read & write ports of the register file must be increased by a factor of s. Similarly additional I-cache & D-cache access ports must be provided.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © The Sequel of the i486: Pentium Microprocessor °Superscalar machine implementing a parallel pipeline of width s=2. °Essentially implements two i486 pipelines, a 5-stage scalar pipeline.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pentium Microprocessor °Multiple instructions can be fetched & decoded by the first 2 stages of the parallel pipeline in every machine cycle. °In each cycle, potentially two instructions can be issued into the two execution pipelines. °The goal is to achieve a peak execution rate of two instructions per machine cycle. °The execute stage can perform an ALU operation or access the D-cache hence additional ports to the RF must be provided to support 2 ALU operations.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Diversified Pipelines °In a unified pipeline, though each instruction type only requires a subset of the execution stages, it must traverse all the execution stages –even if idling. °The execution latency for all instruction types is equal to the total number of execution stages; resulting in unnecessary stalling of trailing instructions.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Diversified Pipelines (3) °Instead of implementing s identical pipes in an s-wide parallel pipeline, diversified execution pipes can be implemented using multiple Functional Units.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Advantages of Diversified Pipelines °Efficient hardware design due to customized pipes for particular instruction type. °Each instruction type incurs only the necessary latency & make use of all the stages. °Possible distributed & independent control of each execution pipe if all inter-instruction dependences are resolved prior to dispatching.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Diversified Pipelines Design °The number of functional units should match the available I.L.P. of the program. The mix of F.U.s should match the dynamic mix of instruction types of the program. °Most 1 st generation superscalars simply integrated a second execution pipe for processing F.P. instructions with the existing scalar pipeline.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Diversified Pipelines Design (2) °Later, in 4-issue machines, 4 F.U.s are implemented for executing integer, F.P., Load/Store, & branch instructions. °Recently designs incorporate multiple integer units, some dedicated for long latency integer operations: multiply & divide, and operations for image, graphics, signal processing applications.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Dynamic Pipelines °Superscalar pipelines differ from (rigid) scalar pipelines in one key aspect; the use of complex multi-entry buffers. °In order to minimize unnecessary staling of instructions in a parallel pipeline, trailing instructions must be allowed to bypass a stalled leading instruction. °Such bypassing can change the order of execution of instructions from the original sequential order of the static code.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Dynamic Pipelines (2) °With out-of-order execution of instructions, they are executed as soon as their operands are available; this would approach the data-flow limit of execution.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Dynamic Pipelines (3) °A dynamic pipeline achieves out-of-order execution via the use of complex multi- entry buffers that allow instructions to enter & leave the buffers in different orders.
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 ©
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pentium 4 ° CISC °Pentium – some superscalar components Two separate integer execution units °Pentium Pro – Full blown superscalar °Subsequent models refine & enhance superscalar design
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pentium 4 Block Diagram
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pentium 4 Operation °Fetch instructions form memory in order of static program °Translate instruction into one or more fixed length RISC instructions (micro-operations) °Execute micro-ops on superscalar pipeline micro-ops may be executed out of order °Commit results of micro-ops to register set in original program flow order °Outer CISC shell with inner RISC core °Inner RISC core pipeline at least 20 stages Some micro-ops require multiple execution stages -Longer pipeline c.f. five stage pipeline on x86 up to Pentium
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pentium 4 Pipeline
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pentium 4 Pipeline Operation (1)
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pentium 4 Pipeline Operation (2)
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pentium 4 Pipeline Operation (3)
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pentium 4 Pipeline Operation (4)
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pentium 4 Pipeline Operation (5)
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Pentium 4 Pipeline Operation (6)
Computer ArchitectureFall 2007 © Introduction to PowerPC 620 °The first 64-bit superscalar processor to employ: Aggressive branch prediction, Real out-of-order execution, A Six pipelined execution units, A Dynamic renaming for all register files, Distributed multientry reservation stations, A completion buffer to ensure program correctness. °Most of these features had not been previously implemented in a single-chip microprocessor.