KSG SPONSORED PROPOSALS Overhead Shortfall Compensation Agreements FY04FY05 Method of Compensation Pro-rated Charges (000) Overhead Support Fund Waivers $66$97 Add’l Direct Charges to Grant for Overhead Comp $62$13 Research Center Unrestricted Funds Committed $68$39 Executive Program Waivers $83$82 Student Support Waivers $55$17 Direct Credits to KSG Core Budget* $18$53 TOTAL $352$301 Total Returned to KSG Core via Add’l Direct Charges to Grant & Res. Ctr. Unrestricted Funds $130$53 Total # of Funded Proposals with <20% Overhead 4045 *Faculty or FA salary and/or rent charges to grants that directly benefit KSG core.
KSG SPONSORED PROPOSALS New Proposals and Outcomes FY01-FY05 FY01FY02FY03FY04FY05 Number of funded awards Number of new proposals submitted Yield Rate* 81%72%79%62%84% * Yield Rate refers to new funded awards as a percentage of all new proposals submitted in a given fiscal year. Currently 70% of FY 2005 proposals have known outcomes (67 out of 97 submitted).
KSG TOTAL SPONSORED PROGRAM EXPENDITURES FY 2000 – FY 2005 FY00FY01FY02FY03FY04FY05 Sponsored Program Expenditures ($m)* $ % $29.7** +75% $ % $ % $ % $ % Federal Sponsors$4.7$7.0$9.8 $8.5$10.4 Non-Federal Sponsors $12.3$22.7$23.5$18.6$16.5$14.5 *These data reflect only those proposals submitted and awards accepted by OSP. **Approximately $4 million of this total due to project transfers from the former HIID.