Vilnius University Library between traditions and future vision Vilma Karvelyte Information manager November 11, 2008
History 1570 – Vilnius University Library 1579 – Vilnius University
Mission To provide high quality information services to meet the ever-changing demands of the university, country and international academic community.
Structure Administration I. Information Service Centre Department of Information Resources Management Customer Service Department Electronic Information Department II. Centre of Science and Cultural Heritage Book Storage Department Rare Book Department Manuscript Department Restoration Department Department of Compilation of Bibliographic Resources Department of Exhibition Organization and Museum Collections »Department of Graphic Arts »Museum of Science »A. Mickiewicz Museum III. Scientific Information Data Centre Department of Communication and Information Digitization Department Maintenance Department
Collections 5,4 million physical units ~ manuscripts ~ rare books (XV-XXI century) ~ graphic works VU Museum of Science collections A. Mickiewicz Museum collections 40 periodical data bases Digital collections
Projects Since 2007 the Library has taken part in the implementation activities of the programme of Lithuanian virtual university 2007–2012 Since 2007 the library has been participating in the project ENRICH – European Networking Resources and Information concerning Cultural Heritage Towards a European Digital Library of Manuscripts Since 2007 the library is an associated partner of the project DigitalPreservationEurope Theatralized cycle of seminars Detective of Scientific Information
Library services Borrowing & circulation Ask a librarian Interlibrary loan Excursions Reservation of rooms Social networking Suggest the book
Franciszek Smuglewicz Hall
Main Reading-Room
Professors` Reading-Room
Joachim Lelewel Hall
White Hall
Changes and strategies From “book depository” to creation of open user service system Development of open, userfrendly space for library users (reconstruction) Equipment of spaces, corresponding the needs of changeable learning environment Competency development of library staff Reassurance of quality conditions for prints storage Creation of new type library – Scholarly Communication Centre
Scholarly Communication Centre –open, flexible and dynamic organism –hybrid library –digital resources and electronic services –virtual information centre –multifunctional information institution
Welcome to Vilnius University Library!