GINA – GNSS FOR INNOVATIVE ROAD APPLICATIONS: GNSS for INnovative road Applications GINA Project Outcomes 28/06/2011.


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Presentation transcript:

GINA – GNSS FOR INNOVATIVE ROAD APPLICATIONS: GNSS for INnovative road Applications GINA Project Outcomes 28/06/2011


X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo 28/06/2011Page 3 GINA D1.5 PROJECT OUTCOMES PROJECT DATA  GINA: EC funded project through FP7 call 1, coordinated by GSA authorities  GINA: R&D project in the GALILEO applications area building up on the results from previous projects such as ADVANTIS, GIROADS, etc…  GINA key points:  Collaborative Project  2 years length  2.2 M€ (~1.3 M€ funded)  12 partners from 7 EU countries  GINA project main goals: Context and market Analysis RUC application demonstrator at nationwide scale Disemmination efforts contributing to GNSS introduction in the electronic payment for infrastructure use It is intended as another step to bring forward the real use of GNSS systems and EGNOS/GALILEO in the ITS road domain applications. Methods, definitions and results achieved could lead closer to mass market introduction of these applications in the road domain.

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo GINA PROJECT STRUCTURE 28/06/2011Page 4GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes  WP1 – Management & Quality  Overall project management and support to FP7 coordination  Partners coordination and milestones monitoring  WP2 – Analysis of applications & services  Current state of the art road pricing technology analysis, user requirements, standards and regulatory framework  System architecture definition  Preliminary market business plan and feasibility  WP3 – Trials  Trials definition, planning & prototype development and customization  Trials execution  Trials results evaluation & analysis  WP4 – Conclusión and disemination activities  Business & exploitation plan  Dissemination of project results (paper, events, congress, articles, etc…)

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo 28/06/2011Page 5 GINA D1.5 PROJECT OUTCOMES BACKGROUND Current Status:  Road User Charging applications both for interurban roads or urban charging areas are a reality in several different places  It is expected that these kind of schemes will spread through all european countries in the short to mid term  GNSS based systems are already a competitor with regard to traditional DSRC systems, like in the case of German TollCollect or future French ECOTAX with great benefits in terms of flexibility and efficiency, and cost saving for big nationwide schemes  GNSS based systems allows the introduction of other Pay Per use applications within the same on board unit used for RUC Obstacles:  The technical and economical feasibility of a large scale, GNSS-only road pricing system is not yet proven (alternatives versus GNSS are being considered by authorities)  The benefits related to congestion and pollution management are not yet fully understood  The user interest and market potential for Pay-Per-Use and VAS are not yet fully understood  The potential of VAS running on a road pricing platform has not yet been proven as well as the use of the same Onboard Equipment shared for different applications  While having very impressive average accuracy, the GPS system lacks for guaranteed performances what implies a risk for the adoption of this technology. In addition, GPS receivers are strongly affected by reflection of signals especially in urban environments that also provoke large errors that may have direct impact on the charging computation.  GNSS adoption has not yet been fully leveraged in road applications with clear public benefits such as tracking and tracing of dangerous goods, persons in coaches and livestock The GINA project intends to address these obstacles and bring GNSS road pricing and road VAS a step closer to maturity

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo 28/06/2011Page 6 GINA D1.5 PROJECT OUTCOMES GINA CONCEPT & OBJECTIVES GINA project main goal is to advance the adoption of GNSS systems, and in particular EGNOS and Galileo, in the road sector considering the technical feasibility of the concept on a large scale, its economic viability and positive impacts in aspects such as congestion and pollution, as a general scope GINA Project key objectives:  The analysis of the context (legal, regulatory, interoperability, standardization) affecting a nation wide GNSS-based road pricing solution (and VAS running on same platforms)  The thorough market and business potential analysis for the applications (Road pricing + VAS), to base a commercially feasible large scale adoption of the solution  To acquire valuable operational information only accessible thanks to the implementation to the fully operational implementation of a large-scale demonstrator of GNSS-based Road Pricing at national level and VAS. The demonstrator will be fully based on the planned ABvM system being defined by the Dutch Government and carried out in the Netherlands with real users.  To liaise with related standardization activities aiming at contributing to the standardization of GNSS-based road charging  To demonstrate the benefits of EGNOS in enhancing the end-to-end performance in a GNSS road pricing solution and GNSS-based road applications  The GINA project will address a theoretical analysis of the benefits of authentication of GNSS signal against fraud and device tampering, given the importance of both authentication and integrity as the basis on which liability-critical applications  To perform the necessary evaluation to understand service provisioning aspects: how the same technical infrastructure can be shared by different applications

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo GNSS BASE INTEGRITY IN ROAD PRICING Use of Geo-fencing process based on POSITION INTEGRITY to ensure reliability of Road User Charging scheme) key for GINA project architecture (concept introduced for Civil Aviation SoL for which EGNOS is designed) 28/06/2011PageGINA D1.5 Project Outcomes 1.Computation of position + bounding of position error (with a very high probability ~99.99%) 2.Vehicle charged only when 1 or more PLs (=error boundaries) totally inside the geo-object=> geo-fencing based on PLs (not just on calculated position). Highly reliable geo-fencing process precluding wrong identifications Error


X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo GINA WORK PACKAGES STRUCTURE 28/06/2011Page 9GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo GINA PROJECT DELIVERABLES 28/06/2011Page 10GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes Del. no.Deliverable titleversionWP no. Natur e Dissemination level Delivery date D1.1Project Management Plan1.0WP1RCOT0+3 weeks D1.2Progress / activity reports1.0WP1RCOQuarterly D1.3*Project workshop 1 report1.0WP1RPUT0+12 D1.4*Project workshop 2 report1.0WP1RPUT0+24 D1.5*Public presentation and report on project outcome 1.0WP1RPUT0+24 D1.6Final Report1.0WP1RCOT0+24 D1.7Handouts of presentations and minutes of meetings and workshops 1.0WP1OREAs needed D1.8Contract changes, invoices/achievement reports, schedule, meeting plan, problem reports 1.0WP1OCOAs needed D2.1Current state of technology and end-user requirements (for road pricing and other Value Added Services) 1.0WP2RPUT0+4 D2.2Business model and initial commercial feasibility study (including market potential assessment and expected economics) 1.0WP2RRET0+8 D2.3Preliminary system architecture and initial technical feasibility study 1.0WP2RRET0+8 D2.4Report on the analysis of specific related issues in the standardisation, policy, interoperability and technical/operational service provisioning panorama 1.0WP2RRET0+8 D3.1Trials plan1.0WP3RRET0+8 D3.2System prototype (back office + OBU)1.0WP3PCOT0+12 D3.3Trials data package, evaluation and results report1.0WP3RPUT0+21 D3.4Market trial report (including technical and user experience assessment) 1.0WP3RPUT0+21 D4.1Project Dissemination Plan1.0WP4RPUT0+3 D4.2Project Website1.0WP4OPUUpdated as needed D4.3Project dissemination material1.0WP4OPUAs needed D1.3*Project workshop 1 reports1.0WP4RPUT0+12 D1.4*Project workshop 2 reports1.0WP4RPUT0+24 D1.5*Presentation and report on project outcome1.0WP4RPUT0+24 D4.4Business and exploitation plan1.0WP4RRET0+24


X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo WP1 INFORMATION 28/06/2011Page 12GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes Work package titleManagement & QualityWP nr1 Start date/eventT0 End date/eventT0+24 Activity TypeMGT Participant number12 Participant short nameGMVERF Effort per participant (expressed in nr of MM)124 Objectives  To coordinate and manage all the project activities including technical and programmatic issues, as well as contractual aspects.  To ensure the achievement of quality thresholds during the execution of the project activities  To provide support to the GSA in FP7 co-ordination (as stated in the description of topic) in close co-ordination with Conclusions and dissemination activities workpackage (WP4) Inputs  GINA project proposal and Annex 1 to Grant Agreement (Description of work)  GINA project Grant Agreement  Description of topic GALILEO Innovative GNSS-based Road Applications  Authorization to proceed  Planning and schedule as agreed at Grant Agreement Kick Off  Applicable documents and definition of deliverables as per proposal and KOM agreements  Any applicable CR/CN

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo WP1 RESULTS 28/06/2011Page 13GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes  Overall Management of the project achieved according to deadlines in the Project Management Plan  Minor delays in End2End trials deployment and some documents delivery date  Project extension of Three months required due to trials start delay  Coordination tasks within consortium partners achieved during the project  Support to GSA FP7 coordination activities carried out at costumer request  GINA documents & deliverables distribution  GINA attendance to workshops & events from other FP7 projects  GINA information dissemination  Deliverables from the project delivered and finished  Different events & workshops organized succesfully in coordination with WP4  Required meetings, progress reports, deliverables and events carried out succesfully


X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo WP2 INFORMATION 28/06/2011Page 15GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes Work package titleAnalysis of Applications and ServicesWP nr2 Start date/eventT0 End date/eventT0+8 Activity TypeRTD Participant number Participant short nameSKYGMVERFICCBC O TRLNWMFN AV CENARVAEN Effort per participant (expressed in nr of MM) Objectives  Co-ordination of the activities dealing with the analysis of applications / services from different perspectives (assessment of current situation, market and business issues, preliminary architecture and technical feasibility, related specific issues (e.g. standardisation, interoperability etc.)  Analysis of current situation (including state of technology and end-user requirements)  Evaluation and demonstration of the commercial feasibility and the business potential of the concept proposed  Preparation of a preliminary business plan to demonstrate the feasibility of the service commercialisation  Assessment of the technical feasibility of the proposed concept and design of a preliminary architecture for road pricing + Value Added Services (PAYD services for ARVAL (car leasing) and traffic information generation, modelling and provision )  Analysis of related specific issues: Standardisation of content and interfaces, Policies (advocating GNSS road pricing towards policymakers) / regulatory framework, International interoperability aspects, Value added by EGNOS / EDAS, Benefits of authentication of GNSS signal to prevent fraud and device tampering Inputs  Description of topic GALILEO Innovative GNSS-based Road Applications  Literature on Road Pricing and VAS activities and reference project outcomes (GIROADS, ARMAS, CLoCCS, ABvM…)  Market studies on road pricing, VAS (PAYD schemes and traffic information generation, modelling and providing) and business / market-related outcomes of reference projects and activities (GIROADS, ARMAS…). Of special relevance is the very detailed documentation on system definition and associated costs (development and operation) for the development of ABvM that were developed by major prime contractors under consultancy to the Dutch government,  GINA Part B of proposal / Annex I to the Grant Agreement (DoW)  Technical definition of systems on the basis of which the demonstrator will be implemented  EU regulations / directives / policy-related analysis for Road Pricing, ETC and VAS  Existing European and national standards and standardization activities outcomes related to road pricing and other VAS  Most recent outcome of the definition of authentication capabilities of Galileo (e.g. results of GAC (Galileo Advanced Concepts project and others)

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo WP2 RESULTS 28/06/2011Page 16GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes TasksStatusObservations Preliminary Business plan feasibilityCompleted succesfullyInputs from this task were then carried out to WP4 full B&E plan Road domain standards studyCompleted succesfully-Main standards from CEN TC 278 and EU analyzed - Results feeded into architecture desing GALILEO benefits for authentication signal in road domain Completed succesfullyTheoretical analysis carried out in the D2.4 EGNOS/EDAS benefits and implementation study Completed succesfully-EGNOS introduced into the architecture features - SISNET Implemente rather than EDAS due to EDAS beta status in 2009/10 User Requirements definitionCompleted succesfully - ARVAL users requirements were introduced as part of the proposed architecture GINA system architecture definitionCompleted succesfullyAll the details relevant to architecture: OBU, back-office, SW & HW produced taking in account previous inputs from users and standards in place WP2 deliverables draftCompleted succesfullyAll required deliverables submitted in time and approved by costumer

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo WP2 GINA SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE 28/06/2011Page 17GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes  GINA Architecture in compliance with current standards from CEN studied by WP2  User requirements added to the preliminary architecture defined  Dutch privacy concerns impended the use of some planned VAS services  Back office tools provided for users, to check invoices, and trips data & VAS services


X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo WP3 INFORMATION 28/06/2011Page 19GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes Work package titleTrialsWP nr3 Start date/eventT0+4 End date/eventT0+21 Activity TypeRTD / DEM Participant number Participant short nameGMVICCTRLMFSK Y CENARVAE N Effort per participant (expressed in nr of MM) Objectives  Definition of trials to test GNSS-based road pricing and VAS (PAYD for car leasing companies and traffic information generation, modelling and provision)  Coordination with Dutch government and ABvM staff to ensure that trials are aligned with the context, requirements and concerns of the ABvM system, as far as this information is available.  Development of a system delivering end-to-end functionality (for Road Pricing and VAS (PAYD for car leasing companies and traffic information generation, modelling and provision). Development and customisation of prototype system for the provision of services (OBUs, central platform + enforcement systems)  Customisation/ adaptation of platform which will be needed for the collection, analysis of data and reporting of the trials  Customisation / adaptation of the reference system (high performance hybrid navigation system GPS + INS/IMU)  Production of OBUs. Co-ordination of activities for the arrangement of 100 “volunteers” (ARVAL’s (leasing company) customers), appointments for installation, training to the volunteers etc.  Installation of 100 OBUs in demonstration vehicles, Installation of reference system in “reference vehicles” and Installation of enforcement system  Operation and maintenance of platform during trials execution, Trials data collection & Trials data analysis and reporting Inputs  Description of topic GALILEO Innovative GNSS-based Road Applications  GINA Part B of proposal / Annex I to the Grant Agreement (DoW)  WP2 outputs: D2.3 – Preliminary system architecture and initial technical feasibility study

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo Page 20 FOTS GINA DESCRIPTION Real Implementation of demonstrator for EFC+VAS application based in GNSS technologies Nationwide scope (The Netherlands) Real users driving in real life situations Performance measured against User real requirements (Dutch ABvM scheme) Several different tests and analyses carried out Technical, operational and market goals analysis in the different features provided by the system GNSS based EFC/RUC applications performance demonstration Value Added services (VAS) provision running in the same platform that main EFC module GNSS performance for RUC+VAS applications validation Added value provided by EGNOS (GALILEO) and complementary technologies such as INS (CANBUS), Integrity provision with respect to GNSS solution GNSS systems evaluation methodology analysis Main trials description key points Proof of concept trails for Enforcement & VAS implementation trials carried out separately in Portugal. FOTsVehiclesLengthDriversVAS Reference System CANBUSAnalysisScenarios End 2 End trials1006 months Real Volunteers (ARVAL) YesNo High Level features Different non controlled scenarios Exhaustive trials24-5 weeks GINA project controlled drives NoYes Exhaustive GNSS features performance Project defined GINA D1.5 PROJECT OUTCOMES ITS Europe, Lyon (France) /06/ /06/2011

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo 28/06/2011Page 21GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes 1. GNSS OBU2. GNSS Reference System4. Geobjects Definition GINA EXHAUSTIVE TRIALS:  Evaluation of GNSS system peformance in terms of Position, Distance and PLs calculation  Different configurations to be tested for results comparison  GNSS  GNSS + EGNOS (SISNET)  GNSS + CANBUS  GNSS + CANBUS + EGNOS (SISNET)  Two different vehicles operated by different Companies (GMV & Navteq)  Use of different defined geobjects with different definitions to test OBU performance  One vehicle subject to pre planned challenging routes (GMV) and other vehicle following its daily routes (Navteq) 3. Evaluation Routes EXHAUSTIVE TRIALS CONCEPT

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo EXHAUSTIVE TRIALS ROUTES Exhaustive trials completed successfully –A minimum of 20 repetitions for each of the three routes performed –Some minor route alterations had to be performed due to unforeseen road works / closures –Data transferred from the OBU to the back office for post-processing –Data analysis carried out 28/06/2011Page 22 Route 1 – Motorway, urban Route 2 – Urban Route 3 – Urban, motorway AmsterdamThe Hague Rotterdam Large number of narrow streets and numerous turns in urban roads Large motorway section with some small roads in urban environment. Some tunnels Urban roads. Some tall buildings and urban canyons. Some tunnels PREPARATORY MEETING FOR WORKSHOP#1 GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo EXHAUSTIVE TRIALS GEOBJECTS 28/06/2011Page 23GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes Official Geo-bjectsAlternative Geo-objects  Different sets of geobjects created for analysis purposes  Official geobjects, adapted to road network topology for better performance  Alternative geobjects, small corridors and segments adjusted to roa  Up to 51 different geo-objects used in the exhaustive trials (GMV) between official, alternative and charging areas  All the geobjects were splitted between the three proposed routes, each route with a mix of geobjects that would allow for results evaluation for each geo-object type  Navteq vehicles results geobjects defined differently, mainly charging reas in urban locations due to lack of repetability of routes by navteq vehicle  End2End geobjects comprised 4 charing areas in Utrecht, Den Haag, Nijmegen and Eindhoven together with several motorway segments estimated to be used by the drivers (no information of journeys or starting places due to privacy laws)

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo 28/06/2011Page 24 GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes Absolute position accuracy error (global)Relative Distance accuracy error (global) OBU data shows that distance estimation errors are below 0.33% for all the four configurations tested, and even lower ih the 50th percentil Odometer (CANBUS) enhanced configurations show the best behaviour with values of 0.23% distance error in the 95th percentil and even 0.05% in the 50th percentil, for all the scenarios, even those with dense urban environment Position accuracy shows best results in the overall data for GNSS and GNSS+CANBUS configurations, about 17 meters error for the 95th percentil in the overall data, with EGNOS enabled configuration showing slightly higher errors in the overall data (but better results in other scenarios) XI Congreso ITS España, Barcelona EXHAUSTIVE TRIALS RESULTS – GMV VEHICLE I

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo 28/06/2011Page 25 GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes EXHAUSTIVE TRIALS RESULTS – GMV VEHICLE II Alternative geobjects shows worse performance and results than official ones Great number of alternative geobjects not detected Over 50% of distance travelled within geobjects not computed Results are not in compliance with expected figures in Dutch scheme Geo-object methodology definition considered key for GNSS based RUC applications performance 100% of Geobjects detection events for official defined ones with 0% of wrong identification for all geobjects Distance deviation error under 1.65% of the total distance travelled, with <0.1% of wrong computed distance in the official geobjects Results for the overall data, with all the three routes in different scenarios and dense urban environments XI Congreso ITS España, Barcelona VariableDefinition No-detection Identificación incorrecta de Geo- object, Where GEOOBJECT_X = 0 TRUTH_GEOOBJECT_X = 1 or Where GEOOBJECT_X = 1 TRUTH_GEOOBJECT_X = 0 Key requirement from a RUC real scheme

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo 28/06/2011Page 26 GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes XI Congreso ITS España, Barcelona Two different methods employed for distance estimation within geobject Distance average between all the points detected inside geobject Distance between first point inside and first out of the geobject Second methodology employed shows best results for distance and charging errors Overall charging errors for all configuration below 0.74% in worst case, with no overcharging events in any journey Odometer based configurations shows the least percentage of large errors, with EGNOS ones having less overall undercharging values Charging results are in line with requirements from real user scheme like the Dutch ABvM Configuration MethodC: GPS+CANBUS A: GPS+CANBUS+ EGNOS G: GPS E: GPS+ EGNOS Main-0.74% % -0.65% Alterna tive -0.57% % N/A Charging error relative errors for two different methodologies ABvM requirements compliant. EXHAUSTIVE TRIALS RESULTS – GMV VEHICLE III

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo 28/06/2011Page 27 GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes Absolute position accuracy error Horiz Protection Levels value One analysis was performed apart from the overall data, with a small set of data from a motorway section in open environment in order to asses EGNOS peformance in these areas separate from main analysis with the goal of evaluation EGNOS MOPS performance GNSS+EGNOS configuration showed the best results in terms of possition accuracy with 3 meters errors for 95th percentil against average 6 meters for GNSS only HPL values for GNSS+EGNOS less than 15 meters for 99th percentil with 3x310-4 related Integrity risk against overall meters for rest of configurations with GNSS only The charging error for this section within limits defined by ABvM with less error than in other scenarios (overall and -0.15% for all configurations and 0.21 / 0.38% for the 95th percentil XI Congreso ITS España, Barcelona Relative Charging Error results EXHAUSTIVE TRIALS RESULTS – GMV VEHICLE IV

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo EXHAUSTIVE TRIALS RESULTS – NAVTEQ VEHICLE 28/06/2011Page 28 GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes GINA Workshop #2, Lyon 1 month trial with Navteq controlled vehicle, following normal work routes during mapping campaing GNSS only and GNSS+EGNOS configurations tested Vehicle equipped with reference system Additional information related to OBU solution performance in more interurban environment with regard to GMV vehicle Geobjects used defined as main road segments and municipalities charging areas due teste routes nature Navteq Vehicle routesNavteq Vehicle Geobjects

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo 28/06/2011Page 29GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes Relative Distance ErrorEGNOS HPL values RAIM HPL valuesRelative Charging Deviation EXHAUSTIVE TRIALS RESULTS – NAVTEQ VEHICLE II

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo 28/06/2011Page 30GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes EXHAUSTIVE TRIALS RESULTS – NAVTEQ VEHICLE CONCLUSIONS  Distance deviation values over 6% error with regard to GMV vehicle aprox 1%, measured only for each journey (1 day long)  Position accuracy had best results than in GMV vehicle over 10 meters less error. GNSS+EGNOS configurations showed best results with 7 meters against GNSS 11 in the 95th percentil  EGNOS integrity risk about 1.35% compared to 19.5% in GMV vehicle, EGNOS peformance much better than GNSS only configuration in NAVTEQ trials.  HPLs values over 16 meters compared to more than 20 meters in GMV vehicle for the 95th percentil  Geo-objects detection correctly by 2 configs with -1.37% distance error inside them (GNSS) and -1.42% (GNSS+EGNOS). In  Charging Deviation for Navteq vehicle aprox -1.69% (GNSS) and -1.72% (EGNOS)  Lack of repeteability in the journeys and routes don’t allow for conclusive decisions but overall results are in line with requirements as in GMV vehicle  EGNOS peformance in open environments is again demonstrated, the MOPS works better than GNSS only for HPLs, accuracy and Integrity risk in these kind of environments

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo 28/06/2011Page 31GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes END2END TRIALS SUMMARY End-to-End trials were delayed due to difficulties with producing 100 OBUs for participants 97 OBUs were produced (of those 91 installed) Only GNSS and GNSS+EGNOS configurations enabled All OBUs were installed in participating vehicles driven for 6 months Geo-objects 4 Municipalities identified as charging zones – large geo- objects Utrecht Den Haag Rotterdam Nijmegen 17 Corridor segments GINA Workshop #2, Lyon

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo Page 32 END2END TRIALS RESULTS (I): Non controlled environment with individual drivers with different driving areas & behaviours There was no guarantee that participant would enter the defined geo-objects. There would be variability in how each participant travels through a defined geo-object. Reference length of geo-objects could only be obtained from digital maps introducing slight errors Geo-objects could only be of a certain type to allow assessment of distance travelled within (a road segment with only one entry one exit point). Environmental impacts on the quality of GPS / EGNOS signal were unknown Overall GNSS availability over EGNOS availability but September and November SISNET service shortaged led to download coupled with some GPRS problems in several OBUS but most o OBUS provided EGNOS availability values between 88 and 95% against GNSS values GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes GINA Workshop #2, Lyon 28/06/2011 MonthValid Journeys Driving Time (hours) Distance Driven (km) Avg Speed (km/h) Avg TTFF (secs) Avg AvailAvg EGNOS Avail June %51.23% July %80.43% August %69.45% September %47.16% October %79.19% November %39.23% December %78.16% Totals % 76.54% End2End total figures

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo END2END TRIALS RESULTS (III): 28/06/2011Page 33GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes Geo- object Charge per KM (€) descriptionweekendStartTimeEndTimetariffName Corridor0.03All DayYes00:00:0023:59:59Weekend Zone0.03All DayYes00:00:0023:59:59Weekend Corridor0.065DayNo09:00:0115:59:59Weekday Zone0.065DayNo09:00:0115:59:59Weekday Corridor0.065MorningNo00:00:0006:59:59Weekday Zone0.065MorningNo00:00:0006:59:59Weekday Corridor0.065NightNo19:00:0123:59:59Weekday Zone0.065NightNo19:00:0123:59:59Weekday Zone0.085Morning RushNo07:00:0009:00:00A Zone0.085Evening RushNo16:00:0019:00:00A Corridor0.105Morning RushNo07:00:0009:00:00B Corridor0.105Evening RushNo16:00:0019:00:00B Tariffs applied Geobject usage per HourCharging accuracy per Geobject Full set of different tariffs defined per corridor, charging area, day of the week and hour of the day Geobject usage during the day and zones show volunteers driving patterns and behaviour Charging accuracy always under the actual distance (no overcharging), except for one of the areas Digital maps use for estimating distance introduced slight errors in charging accuracy and deviation

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo 28/06/2011Page 34 GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes END2END TRIALS RESULTS (II): GINA Workshop #2, Lyon Time To First Fix ResultsCharging Distance Deviation Results Continuity gaps distributionHPL GPS/EGNOS distribution GINA Workshop #2, Lyon

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo 28/06/2011Page 35GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes Main Results – “Soft analysis” END2END TRIALS CONCLUSIONS II Main Conclusions from responses to questionnaire Lack of communication regarding benefits of GINA (due to being a pilot) led to an apparent lack of interest in paying for services Limitations of a trial High penetration is needed to have an impact Participant responses seem to reflect the contextual situation in the Netherlands VAS services need to be sufficiently different from similar services currently available for free form the internet Main Conclusions from responses to questionnaire Tendency to be willing to pay to use less congested roads Perceived benefit? User appears to be satisfied with currently available navigation technology Willing to use EGNOS/Galileo if no reduction in quality of service Regular contact with users regarding benefits of a scheme.


X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo WP4 INFORMATION 28/06/2011Page 37GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes Work package titleConclusions and dissemination activitiesWP nr4 Start date/eventT0 End date/eventT0+24 Activity TypeOTHER (Dissemination) / RTD Participant number Participant short nameERFGMVICCBCOTRLNWNW MFSKYNAVCENAEN Effort per participant (expressed in nr of MM) Objectives  To coordinate the dissemination actions and resulting deliverables, their planning, monitoring and reporting.  To ensure the preparatory phase prevailing to the WP 4.1 and WP 4.2 execution.  To identify all the stakeholder groups with immediate or potential interest in road charging technologies (including related research initiatives and user groups) in order to prepare an effective project dissemination strategy and ensure an adequate degree of project clustering. Special attention will be devoted to the Dutch Government in charge of ABvM implementation (even if not through formal dedicated contacts, but using those in Connekt) and to those actors identified as key players in the value chain, or other countries with major interests in these applications.  To disseminate the project developments thanks to regular on-line and off-line materials and hence, to ensure that GINA’s results translate into enhanced understanding of the potential offered by EGNOS/Galileo in road charging technologies and its future mass-market.  To elaborate a thorough business and exploitation plan at the end of the trials, assessing the business potential of the application(s) addressed by the GINA project, possibilities to capture this potential and support to decision making for a large scale adoption of the concept proposed by the project  To evaluate the impacts of road pricing to manage congestion and reduce pollution Inputs  GINA project proposal and Annex 1 to Grant Agreement (Description of work)  Project Dissemination Plan  Results of analysis of market & business, preliminary architecture and technical feasibility and related specific issues (standardisation, policies, interoperability etc.) (WP2 outcomes)  Trials plan, architecture and results

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo WP4 DISSEMINTATION SUMMARY 28/06/2011Page 38GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes Event/CongressPlaceDate OPTITrans WorkshopMadrid, Spain20 September, 2010 Toulouse Space Show Toulouse, France 8-11 June, 2010 Transport Research Arena Brussels, Belgium 6-9 June, 2010 Galileo User Forum Brussels, Belgium 2 June, th IRF World Meeting Lisbon, Portugal May, 2010 X ITS Spain Madrid, Spain May, 2010 Galileo Application Days Brussels, Belgium 3-5 March, 2010 ITS-T 2009 Lille, France Oct, 2009 ITS World Congress 2009 Stockholm, Sweden Sept 2009 Royal Institute of Navigation - 2nd GNSS vulnerabilities and solutions 2009 Baska, Croatia 2 Sept 2009 IX ITS Spain Andorra La Vella, Spain 4 Jun 2009 Jornadas Técnicas ADMIRA Valladolid, Spain 27 May 2009 ITS Polish Congress Warsaw, Poland 27 May 2009 Tolling Highways ITS forum Barcelona, Spain 31 Mar 2009 Royal Institute of Navigation London, UK 12 Feb 2009 GINA Dissemination material elaborated: Web page ( Brochures, leaflets, banner Quarterly news letters & press releases at key project milestones Up to 49 different articles, papers and communications for congresses or press releases (Inside GNSS, Thinkgin Highways, etc.. Two validation workshops organized by the project Workshop #1 – Exhaustive Trials result. Brussels (Belgium). 1 October 2010 Workshop #2 - GINA Project final results. Lyon (France). 9 June 2011

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo WP4 BUSINESS & EXPLOITATION - SERVICES Private Business Basic Packag e Add- On HW Services Smart OBU without GUI Wireless GUI EFC E-CALL EFC E-CALL Fleet Management/ Tracking and Tracing Theft management Traffic info system Navigation services/ active re-routing HW Services GINA Service Provider offer has been structured as a basic package with a set of add-on services (VAS) that can be purchased separately Two customer segments have been identified: Business (i.e. commercial vehicles) and Private (i.e. passenger cars) Theft management Traffic info system Navigation services/ active re-routing 28/06/2011Page 39GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo WP4 BUSINESS & EXPLOITATION – MARKET PLAN -Area 1- Central-Southern EU: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Austria -Area 2 -Benelux & Great Britain: Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, UK, Ireland -Area 3 - Northern Europe: Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania -Area 4 - Eastern Europe: Poland, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria -Area 5 - Mediterranean Island: Greece, Malta, Cipro In order to define a progressive penetration plan, five geo-clusters have been defined using the following criteria: - Geo-adjacency and Trans European Network (TEN-T) priority axis - Actual Road Charging scheme - Upcoming Road Charging projects Area 2 Area 1 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 28/06/2011Page 40GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo WP4 BUSINESS & EXPLOITATION – COST/BENEFITS ESTIMATION 485 M€ M€ M€ M€ 309 M€ 147 M€ Base Case NPV* Base case plus (+10 % penetr.; +5% price) Base case plus (+10 % penetr.; +5% price) Low Penetration (-30 % penetr.) Low Penetration (-30 % penetr.) Worst case (-20 % penetr.; -10% price) Worst case (-20 % penetr.; -10% price) Best case (-30% Comm. cost Best case (-30% Comm. cost Best case plus (-30% Comm. cost; free OBU from 2021) Best case plus (-30% Comm. cost; free OBU from 2021) M€ M€ M€ M€ Positive FCF 29 B€ M€ 28/06/2011Page 41GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo WP4 BUSINESS & EXPLOITATION – CONCLUSIONS & NEXT STEPS Significant business opportunity with a good profitability in the long term (EBITDA at regime condition about 20% of Revenues) with two major issues:  Long break-even period that requires a significant start-up financial stress (cumulative FCF positive after 10 years)  High Sensitivity to price change Monthly end-user fees are by far the most important source of revenues: toll chargers % fee have a very limited impact Largest cost items are Telco costs followed by OBU related costs:  Likely to decrease (best case scenarios very probable)  Alliance with Technology and Telco providers is key Value Added Services represent a good opportunity to enlarge the business beyond toll collection service Conclusions: Next Steps: Customization of the general Business Plan conducted so far for a specific potential service provider Detailed analysis with Service Providers of specific Value Added Services to be offered as a bundle or on demand 28/06/2011Page 42GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes


X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo GINA PROJECT CONCLUSIONS 28/06/2011Page 44GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes GINA Project key milestones and results are the following ones Planning and execution of large demonstrators trials in the Netherlands GNSS based application system architecture definition and development in compliance with EETS defined requirements as stated in the CEN standard. Exhaustive Business & Exploitation plan for the proposed GINA solution for EETS providers Extensive Dissemination campaign, with 31 different events attended, 49 publications in specialized press and magazines, two dedicated workshops with relevant stakeholders and web page providing information online Contributed to the implementation & validation of GNSS based RUC applications Evaluated the benefits of EGNOS/GALILEO over current GNSS solutions for RUC applications As a general conclusion, GINA has proposed a GNSS-based technology (geo-fencing based on position integrity and supported by the use of CANBUS odometer) which is suitable for: different charging schemes (both discrete and continuous (distance-based) RUC) Road and urban environments With no need of the use of a cartography Using a simple and cheap Onboard Unit Offering guaranteed performance Suitable to be implemented in different OBU architectures, either Thin, Fat or Smart Satisfying the performances framework defined by a system as demanding as the Dutch ABvM The GINA project has tried to address the strengths of European GNSS and to identify weaknesses to be tackled as a next step. The project conclusions will shed some light on still open points associated to the use of GNSS for Road User Charging while paving the way to the adoption of GALILEO on the road sector

X Congreso ITS España, Madrid Company’s logo GINA TECHNICAL ACHIEVEMENTS 28/06/2011Page 45GINA D1.5 Project Outcomes TECHNICAL ACHIEVEMENTS GNSS based RUC OBU -The GINA OBU developed and customized for the GINA project has been completed and its operational for different RUC schemes as demonstrated in the project trials exhaustive results, with the following features:  Discrete and distance based RUC Road and Urban  With no need of cartography in the majority of cases  Simple / cheap OBU  Guaranteed performance  Thin, Smart and Fat architectures possible  Tested on ABvM system (NL) specifications Integrity Based Geofencing GINA OBU geobjects detection and distance calculation have been developed like a SW module running in the OBU. This SW module makes use of integrity information provision from GNSS/EGNOS in order to detect charging areas. Odometer (CANBUS) integration The integration of the odometer based information in the GINA OBU was tested both from a HW and SW point of view and the proper configuration results evaluated during the trial phase. This configuration presents the best results for distance calculation with the less error, which has a direct impact in the charging calculations where the performance was almost ideal with less than 1% error and always with undercharging events but no overcharging. The use of odometer information present in the vehicle, leads to better performance and it does not add any cost to the OBU and complexity to the design by using external sensors. Geobjects definition methodology The process and ideas on how to properly define geobjects for tolling schemes are considered an important topic, and the methodologies involved could constitute an important enabler for future tolling schemes or trials in order to define them so the maximum performance for the GNSS based OBU can be achieved. A different methodology for geobjects definition, focused in adapting the area to the road network topoology was succesfully tested with very good results compated to “traditional” definitions focused in segments, corridors Trials procedure/planning All the different steps, requirements and plannings required carrying out the large demonstrators and trials within the GINA project have been compiled in one of the deliverables thus providing the means for any future trial or demonstrator of similar scale to be implemented. Also the different routes, geobjects and parameters to be tested provides an overall idea of how any SP OBU could be validated & certificated for its use in any similar distance based RUC scheme with real requirements.

Thank You!!