1 John D. Bozek 1 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 AMO Commissioning Plans John Bozek June 9, 2009
2 John D. Bozek 2 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 So many parts, so little time… Have a short time to prepare the instrumentation for user operations KB optics to focus to 1 um 6 electron spectrometers each with 8 HV PS’s Two ion spectrometers Laser (3 wavelengths) to overlap with FEL beam in two different locations Three six-axes remote controlled stands coupled through thin-walled bellows three separate gas supply systems X-ray beam that can damage when focused
3 John D. Bozek 3 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Schedule Constraints Beam first available in Aug 09, limited by: installation of instrumentation into hutch during June connection of all controls and data acquistion cables commissioning of 3 FEE soft x-ray mirrors certification of radiation safety and personnel protection systems for NEH operations Lasing of LCLS, although some work can be done with spontaneous radiation
4 John D. Bozek 4 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Schedule Constraints - 2 Begin user operations in FY09 Began process >1yr ago with user outreach, first call for proposals, proposal evaluation, user workshops, etc Selected 11 proposals for 1 st run in Sept – Dec 2009 with first 7 using the LCLS - AMO instrumentation Constraints consistent with a mid-September start of user run
5 John D. Bozek 5 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Operations Schedule
6 John D. Bozek 6 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 AMO Commissioning Goals Verify proper operation of all equipment necessary to carry out FY09 research Include adequate time for requisite debugging and modifications Both hardware and controls and data acquisition need to be checked out Determine base line performance of spectrometers and diagnostics equipment Resolution of spectrometers, sensitivity of diagnostics, signal rates as fcn of sample pressure
7 John D. Bozek 7 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 AMO Commissioning Goals - 2 Gain experience with equipment, controls and LCLS FEL to be able to best support User Operations Beamtime is extremely valuable – need to ensure that users get greatest benefit from their scheduled beamtime Conduct some instrumental experiments to benefit the XFEL community for development of future diagnostics, methods, etc.
8 John D. Bozek 8 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Commissioning Tasks Beam through entire system Align HFP chamber to beam Collect images of beam on diff pumping YAG Collect images of beam on beam viewing paddle Align Diagnostics chamber to beam Collect images of beam on upstream diff pumping YAG Collect images of beam on downstream HiRes beam screen Align laser to beam - rough FEL beam OFF Insert mirror Align beam, collecting images as necessary Remove mirror before beam back ON Pulse energy monitor Offline testing of pressure, magnet current, detector voltages, data acq Setup with appropriate pressure – observe signal Correlate signal with FEE pulse energy monitors Attenuate beam with gas attenuator & verify operation Vary pressure and tabulate response Shutter operation View beam at Diagnostics chamber downsream HiRes beam screen Beam OFF, shutter open Insert shutter to nominal position Beam ON, find beam on YAGs & center beam in shutter Close shutter – observe beam screen Pulse shutter – use pulse energy monitor to pick 1 Hz ? Slit operation View beam at Diagnostics chamber downstream HiRes beam screen Monitor pulse energy with pulse energy monitor Scan one slit blade at a time to find center of beam Mask beam to varying degrees, watch for intensity variations between FEE and AMO monitors Open slits back open KB optics Focus optics for HFP interaction point Insert KB optics into beam (nominal position) Align chambers to KB optics Heavily attenuated beam – check alignment & adjust Imprint beam into beam focus verification paddle & view with microscope Vary focal length between HFP and diagnostics chamber – dble check alignment Repeat beam imprinting after focal length variation Dynamic beam focus studies using Jacek’s set-up HFP iTOF Apply voltages to iTOF lenses Apply voltages to iTOF detector (dark counts, off-line) Acquire spectra using residual gas, either from background pressure or gas jet leakage – optimize voltages Vary acceleration, extraction voltages to define operational space Gas jet optimization & operation (see below) Pulsed extraction voltage operation – effects on spectra HFP gas jet Optimize throughout of gas by varying position of gas jet (off-line 1 st ) Optimize timing of gas nozzle valve to LCLS using iTOF Vary sample density via nozzle withdrawl, backing pressure variation to see effect on signal, alignment, etc HFP electron TOFs Apply voltages to lenses Apply voltages to eTOF detectors (dark counts, off-line) Measure low KE electrons (Ne photoelectrons) Optimize positions of all five TOFs Optimize voltages on detectors Optimize voltages on lenses (iterating these three) Measure high KE electrons (Ne Augers) Optimize voltages on lenses for maximum resolution, count rate Measure moderate KE electrons (Ar Augers ?) Optimize pressure for given focal volume – see broadening from charge ? iTOF pulsed extraction operation – timing & effect on KE resolution HFP Focus verification paddle Remove iTOF & top eTOF to install focus verification paddle Ensure limits are set to prevent damage to adjacent eTOFs Imprint unfocussed beam and view with the microscope Imprint focused beam & view with microscope Move out of focus (chamber & paddle motion) & view Optimize focusing HFP vTOF (velocity map imaging TOF) Replace iTOF with vTOF Acquire signal using atomic sample (low extraction voltage) Optimize position, voltages Change to molecular sample (N2?) & acquire signal (high extraction voltage) Optimize position, voltages Try pulsed extraction voltage mode – image ? Coincident measurements of N2 with vTOF Diagnostics Beam Screens Position downstream screen in beam Measure samples of beam screen info for statistical analysis Software available for position and extent determination? Position upstream screen in beam – still see it on downstream screen ? Measure samples of beam screen info from both screens Diagnostics Magnetic Bottle Current applied to solenoid – field ? Voltages on detector – dark counts & image ? Look for signal with high residual pressure from needle Optimize position of the permanent magnet – looking at image Optimize solenoid magnets Optimize gas delivery Spectra of low KE electrons Spectra of high KE electrons Test retarding field – tune solenoid magnets Measure KE of electrons versus photon energy Change focus to diagnostics position & repeat electron measurements Diagnostics gas delivery Optimize position of the needle in the beam Optimize backing pressure for different foci Effect of needle position on resolution of spectrometer Laser Bring laser beam into diagnostics chamber Focus into interaction region of magnetic bottle Overlap with FEL beam spatially/temporally Measure side-bands – varying intensity & timing 2 nd or third harmonic ? Bring laser beam into HFP chamber Focus into interaction region of electron spectrometers Overlap with FEL beam spatially/temporally Measure side-bands – varying intensity & timing 2 nd or 3 rd Harmonics & repeat Diagnostics gas detector studies (Moeller) Attach another gas detector to the instrument Measure response at variety of different attenuator settings HFP focusing studies (Jacek) Replace ion TOF with camera mount Install YAG screen on diagnostics paddle Attenuate LCLS beam Make measurements as function of position Tune focusing of optics Change focus to diagnostics chamber & measure Return focus to HFP chamber & verify repeatability HFP focusing studies (wavefront sensor) Attenuate beam to prevent damage Focus beam in HFP interaction region Measure wavefront Tune optics through iteraction Verify with YAG screen diagnostic HFP damage studies (Hau Riege) Install sample(s) on beam focus paddle Expose to single or multiple shots at various locations Change attenuation & repeat Change samples & repeat HFP mTOF Replace iTOF with mTOF Acquire signals using atomic sample (low extraction voltage) Optimize position, voltages Change to molecular sample (N2?) & acquire signal (high extraction voltage) Optimize position, voltages Try pulsed extraction voltage mode – image ? Coincident measurements of N2 with mTOF
9 John D. Bozek 9 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Commissioning Tasks - 2 At first estimate, ~1100 hrs of beamtime required for this commissioning list But only 720 hours of time Need to optimize list & durations Need to aggressively schedule commissioning time Requires 24 hours operation Multiple people required to run/maintain 24/7
10 John D. Bozek 10 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Human Resources Commissioning will be led by AMO instrument scientists John Bozek and Christoph Bostedt with support from design engineers Jean Charles Castagna and Michael Holmes and controls group led by Remi Machet and data acquisition group led by Christopher O’Grady And assistance from other LUSI instrument science staff (although they have day jobs) Need 24/7 coverage with sufficient energy to interpret results and make changes Roll right into user support for 4 months
11 John D. Bozek 11 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Human Resources 2 Need many more people – ideally three per shift with three shifts per day Reached out to users to ask for commitment for them to send someone useful (i.e. not a green graduate student) for a period at least 3 weeks Enormously positive response from all corners LCLS also gains by having experienced users in first experimental Requires active management by me…schedule to be proposed shortly
12 John D. Bozek 12 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Human Resources 3 Estimate 9-12 people needed per week LCLS scientists average 3/week PULSE/Stanford students 2/week Still need 4-10 people/week – say 6 Total of 36 man weeks required Cost per person: $500 for airfare $75 per night + $59 per diem = $800/week Total budget required: $46.8K
13 John D. Bozek 13 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Human Resources 4 Other sources of human resources include: 3-way collaboration between x-ray FELS Interest in sending an x-ray wavefront sensor (and people) from Germany – very useful for optimizing performance of KB optics PRP assigned three proposals to commissioning period (each come with people) Characterization of highly focused x-ray beams Materials compatibility Gas monitor detector cross calibration
14 John D. Bozek 14 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Alignment 1 st step - need to align chamber to beam Be able to switch from non-KB to KB operation
15 John D. Bozek 15 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Alignment – 2 Numerous 5mm apertures to get through Fixed apertures will be prealigned All include YAG preceding and following apertures
16 John D. Bozek 16 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Alignment – 3 Example of alignment tools Use reproducibility of stepper motor positioned tables
17 John D. Bozek 17 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Spectrometers Initially commission spectrometers and diagnostics without focusing – to reduce riskof damage Pulsed gas jet Ion TOF spectro. 5x electron TOFs Ion imaging spectrometer
18 John D. Bozek 18 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Diagnostics Initially pulse energy monitor and beam screens available Magnetic bottle spectrometer will arrive in July
19 John D. Bozek 19 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Laser Not available until August due to Laser Safety System issues Laser useful for signal based commissioning of spectrometers in absence of FEL beam First experiments do not require coincident laser Like to try timing diagnostic (sidebands) with laser and magnetic bottle during commissiong if possible
20 John D. Bozek 20 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Laser – 2 Several mirrors available although changes require venting chamber Laser mirror Adjustable mirror assy Adjustment access flange Upstream diff. pumping Laser entry To interaction region of HFP or Diagnostics (HFP chamber shown)
21 John D. Bozek 21 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Focusing Optics More time spent on figuring measurement tool (LTP) at Berkeley is very valuable since want to change focal length – just in time delivery, currently scheduled for Aug 3 FocusW/cm 2 1mm7× μm7× μm7× μm7× nm7×10 20
22 John D. Bozek 22 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 DAQ System Photon Control & Data Systems designing & building control and data acquisition system and working with SCCS for data storage
23 John D. Bozek 23 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Control Room
24 John D. Bozek 24 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Weeks 1 & 2: Alignment, ion spectrometer, gas jet Week 3: electron spectrometers, pulsed extraction Week 3: focusing optics, velocity map imaging spectrometer Week 5: pulse energy, damage, magnetic bottle Week 6: laser overlap, ion & electron spectrometers AMO Commissioning Schedule Need to have an adaptable plan to take advantage of opportunities as they arise R EADY FOR FIRST USERS IN S EPTEMBER !
25 John D. Bozek 25 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009
26 John D. Bozek 26 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Controls Using EPICS for controls – modular system that’s easily controlled using various front-ends Here they plan to use Python-QT to write GUI (I’ve done it using MEDM, C code and LabWindows
27 John D. Bozek 27 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Data Export
28 John D. Bozek 28 AMO Instrument FAC - June 2009 Data Management Architecture