Genanvendelse af kritiske metaller i elskrot (WEEE) i EU Kemiens dag 16.November 2011 Christian Fischer
2 Lack of access to critical metals- a threat and a challenge for the EU? Limited access to critical metals is expected to limit future economic and technological development Some metals are critical for emerging technologies such as renewable energy systems (solar energy, windmills etc) Recycling of critical metals, if promoted, can be an important supply for Europe Recycling as a substantial part of a green(er) economy –job creation
3 Value of EU internal and overseas trade in recyclables, 2000–2010
5 Global demand for critical metals Source: based on ISI/IZT (2009) and Elsner et al. (2010).
6 EEA project- Critical metals in WEEE This project focuses on 13 critical metals in EEE, Critical metals are defined based on the security of supply and the demand for each metal, In which components and products do we particularly find the critical metals? What is the potential amount of the 13 critical metals which could be recycled from these waste products ? What are in fact the current losses? What can we do to improve the recycling
7 The selected metals and products Metals: Coltan, Indium, Lithium, Silver, Tantalum, Tellurium, Tungsten, Beryllium, Gallium, Germanium, Gold, Palladium, Ruthenium Products: Mobile phones PCs Desktop Laptop/ Netbook/ Tablet Flatscreen image displays LCD TV LCD Monitor Plasma TV Thin film solar power converter Cadmiumtelluride (CdTe) Copper- Indium-Selenide (CIS) Copper-Indium-Gallium-Diselenide (CIGS) Amorphous (non-crystalline) silicon Thick film solar power converter Monocrystaline silicon Polycrystaline silicon Rechargeable batteries
8 Challenges in the project Very difficult to get information about: Sales volume, Specific content of critical metals in the selected products, Where in the products it is located, The producers of components and products do not have or are not willing to share this information The project will be finalised in March 2012
9 Weight and value – Plasma TV Plasma TV Weight Value Silver 450mg $0.06 Gold 30mg $0.17 Copper g $4.91 Aluminium 255.3g $0.74 Tin g $0.09 Palladium 21mg $0.06 $5.97 Source. Bill Skeates, DIGITAL EUROPE
10 Total WEEE for the EU Generation: 7-8 million tonnes in 2008 (estimate) Collection: 3.1 million tonnes in 2008 Treated: 2.6 million tonnes in 2008 Collection/treatment rate: Maximum 40% ! Export of WEEE out of EU disguised as old products: million tonnes EEE put on the market in 2008 = 10 mill. tonnes
11 3 weaknesses in existing recycling of WEEE and critical metals 1. The rate of collected WEEE in the EU is insufficient, 2. Too much WEEE is exported as used products out of the EU, 3. The efficiency of the recycling process (dismantling, pre-processing, end- processing) is too low for critical metals.
12 Det svageste led i kæden bestemmer den totale effektivitet Eksempel 35% x 45% x 30% x 95% = 4% Manual treatment in the dismantling and pre-processing secures better results but is more expensive
13 Possible initiatives Improve the design of EEE, Easier to re-use components Easier to dismantle and pre-process components, Eco Design Directive is to be reviewed in 2012 Standards for recycling of WEEE including critical metals, Better labelling about amount of critical metals and in which components, New recycling technologies -dismantling and pre-processing, The Commission’s Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe, More focus on qualitative targets instead of quantitative
14 Thank you for your attention For more information please visit our website:
15 Critical metals in Electronics Source. Bill Skeates, DIGITAL EUROPE
16 Correlation between the consumption of a resource and the recycling of the corresponding waste stream – Current consumption is 100%