Warm-up Introduction of Belle CKM Analyses Toru Iijima (Belle) / Nagoya 2 nd Informal Vub Nagoya, May 30-31, 2002
May 30, 2002 “Warm-up, Introduction to Belle CKM analyses” by 2 nd Vub mini-workshop Recent update of CP in B 0 Decays Moriond ’02 Belle sin2 1 at 41.8 fb -1 = 0.82±0.12(stat.)±0.05(syst. ) w/ 1550 events More than 6 deviation from 0 ! B B f cp e -2i 1 A A 29.1fb -1 (LP01) w/1137 events LP01
May 30, 2002 “Warm-up, Introduction to Belle CKM analyses” by 2 nd Vub mini-workshop Belle sin2 1 w/ 41.8 fb CP-1 CP+1 Statistical error only
May 30, 2002 “Warm-up, Introduction to Belle CKM analyses” by 2 nd Vub mini-workshop Present sin2 1 status
May 30, 2002 “Warm-up, Introduction to Belle CKM analyses” by 2 nd Vub mini-workshop Recent Vub Updates CLEO: end-point analysis + b→s shape function (hep- ex/ ) BaBar/Belle exclusive BaBar ( l ) Belle ( l ) CLEO( l ) exp bubu HQE bb bcbc statsys mod stat fufu HQE 1/m b LEP HF Working Group: w/ ISGW2 Moriond’02 DPF Preliminary
May 30, 2002 “Warm-up, Introduction to Belle CKM analyses” by 2 nd Vub mini-workshop Revival of Inclusive Measurements Measurements of parameters in theory calculation ⇒ Better determination of Vcb, Vub w/ inclusive decays. – 0.4 – 0.3 – – – b→s moment b c inclusive: Mx moment Vcb Vub
May 30, 2002 “Warm-up, Introduction to Belle CKM analyses” by 2 nd Vub mini-workshop Evidence of Ds Moriond ‘ 4.1 events D D Systematic error mostly from uncertainty on BF of secondary decays, peaking background uncertainty, selection criteria BF( B D s ) (*) = ( 3.1 1.0 1.0 ) 10 5 BF( B D s ) BF(D s ) = ( 1.11 0.37 0.24 ) 10 6 BF( B D s ) (*) = ( 3.1 1.0 1.0 ) 10 5 BF( B D s ) BF(D s ) = ( 1.11 0.37 0.24 ) 10 6 (*) 25% uncertainty from PDG BF(D s ) significance of the signal = 3.5 Evidence of reflected D s D background Preliminary How about Belle’s status Talk tomorrow…
May 30, 2002 “Warm-up, Introduction to Belle CKM analyses” by 2 nd Vub mini-workshop Present CKM Constraint |V cb *V cd |~ Standard Constraints (not including sin2 ) Standard Constraints (not including sin2 )
May 30, 2002 “Warm-up, Introduction to Belle CKM analyses” by 2 nd Vub mini-workshop Luminosity at KEKB… Lpeak = ×10 33 cm -2 s -1 Lday = 387 pb -1 Lint = 80.7fb at the time of 1 st WS. ( PEP-II/BaBar:88.36fb -1 )
May 30, 2002 “Warm-up, Introduction to Belle CKM analyses” by 2 nd Vub mini-workshop Belle CKM Analysis CKM analysis group conveners: Y.Kwon, T.Iijima Vcb related subjects D+ l (J.W.Nam, SKKU) D* l (H.K.Jang, SNU) Lepton inclusive (K.Yoshida, Nagoya) Vub related subjects Inclusive semileptonic decays End-point analysis (A.Limosani, Melborune) Mx (q 2 ) measurement withFull recon tag. (Slovenia ++ others) Neutrino recon tag. (H.Kakuno, TIT) D(*) l tag. (A.Sugiyama, Nagoya) Exclusive semileptonic decays ( l, l ) Heejong Kim (Yonsei), J.W.Nam(SKKU), C.Schwanda(KEK), M.Gobinda(Tata), … Hadronic decays Ds (D.W.Kim, SKKU) Ds Xu w/ pseudo recon. (C.Everton, Melborune) Ds inclusive (Y.Mikami, Tohoku) Leptonic decays (B l ) B e, m (H.W.Kim, Korea) B (Liventsev, ITEP)
May 30, 2002 “Warm-up, Introduction to Belle CKM analyses” by 2 nd Vub mini-workshop Purpose of mini-Workshop Enhance discussion with theorists. for experimentalists, learn about theoretical aspects for theorists, learn about experimental issues Better idea Make clear the present achievement: signal-to-noise, efficiency #events / fb-1 Experimental errors (statistical and systematics) Extrapolate to 100fb-1/300fb-1..., and make clear the prospect toward Summer 2002 and beyond.. Discuss how to extract Vub from the measurement, and how to treat the error. List up whatever you want to discuss with theorists. Others
May 30, 2002 “Warm-up, Introduction to Belle CKM analyses” by 2 nd Vub mini-workshop Notes We ask each speaker to provide 1-2 page summary. All slides will be posted on Web computer files: send it to hard copy: give them to a student for scan This building is locked in the night Ask a Nagoya staff/student how to enter (4 digit key code) Terminal: limited number of terminal available. Ask a Nagoya staff/student We will have a BBQ party (18:30~) Staff: \2,000 / Student: \1,000