An unconventional solution to handle seasonal mobility demands in an urban environment Ing. Margherita Ambrosi - Municipality of Perugia
Roadmap Region/municipality/historical centre Perugia - hill town city Accessibility to historical centre Minimetrò Perugia - touristic city Touristic accessibility Environmental benefits Future developments
The Region UMBRIA REGION 92 Municipalities Inhabitants: Surface area: km 2
The municipality town centre Km 20 Km 40
The historical centre Km 3
Perugia – hill town city Perugia hill town city : -As an Etruscan/Roman city -Protection, defence and security -As a modern city -Inaccessibility, fatigue and isolation
Accessibility to historical centre – Politics Since the 70s protection of the historical centre : Restrict traffic zone (LTZ) in the whole historical centre Overcome hilltop issues (protect the historical centre, increase accessibility, reduce the environmental impact, develop tourism) Creation of hilltop parking Adding links to historical centre
Accessibility to historical centre – Parking System limits (late 90s): car park, exceeding the capacity of parking vehicular pressure extended throughout the compact city PARKINGS+ESCALATORS SYSTEM 70’s-90’s
Minimetrò – Technical characteristics Method: Towed by cable # Stops: 7 Distance: 3015 meters Total ascent: 160 meters # Cars: 25; 50 person capacity Duration: 10 minutes max Velocity: 7 meters/second max Total cost: €95 million
Perugia – touristic city Increase in tourism over the past 5 years (+4,8% in the first quarter 2010) Accommodations: 14,000 hotel beds 2009: 400,000 arrivals, 1,000,000 touristic presences About 6,000 touristic buses per year Accessibility of historical centre for tourists Accomodated in centre Arrival by bus Arrival by car
Touristic Accessibility – Parking Escalators: An opportunity for the requalification and re-emergence of historical monuments
Touristic Accessibility – Parking
Escalators: An opportunity for economic revitalization
Touristic Accessibility – Parking Escalators: An opportunity for new point of view on the city
Touristic Accessibility – Minimetrò Minimetrò potential for managing touristic influx: CAR: large free parking capacity, easily accessible parking, easy access to historical centre BUS: reserved fully serviced spaces easy access to historical centre course reduction urban decongestion
Touristic Accessibility - Buses Tour bus parking rates: - 6 € first hour - 10 € successive hour - 25 € per day
Environmental benefits Environmental benefits of Minimetrò for tourist bus influx. For example, for CO2: Estimated reduction in driving: 6.9 km/auto Estimated number of buses: 7,500 Average emission for bus: 822 g/km CO2 Savings: more than 42 tonnes of CO2/year
Environmental benefits Environmental benefits of Minimetrò for tourist auto influx: Modal distribution: 20% auto 80% bus Consider 100,000 auto tourists/year Auto occupancy rate: 2.8 Number of tourist autos/year: 18,000 Estimated reduction in driving: 6.9 km/auto Average emission for auto: 200 g/km CO2 Savings: about 25 tonnes of CO2/year TOTAL CO2 Savings: 77 tonnes/year
Minimetrò and major tourist events Ability to manage large tourist numbers: Umbria Jazz 2009: passengers/day with Minimetrò Eurochocolate 2009: passengers/day with Minimetrò (average n. of passengers/weekday: average n. of passengers/Sundays: 6800 Total n. of passengers/year: )
Future developments Utilize technology for the management of tourist influxes (“Concerto” project in Elisa programme): Use of an “open system” that allows everyone system access if they meet certain conditions. Technology as support for the verification of policy compliance. Use of monitoring tools that can be shared with other cities as well as other Perugia services (e.g., hotel availability, GPS touristic information, traffic information, etc.,)
Thank you for your attention Margherita Ambrosi Municipality of Perugia (Italy)