Mastering NT Greek 7. Agitating the Adjectives By Ted Hildebrandt © 2003 Baker Academic
Present Active Indicative Verbs lu<w lu<omen lu<w lu<omen lu<eij lu<ete lu<eij lu<ete lu<ei lu<ousi(n) lu<ei lu<ousi(n)
2-1-2 Noun Forms lo<goj grafh< i[ero<n lo<gou grafh?j i[erou? lo<g& graf^? i[er&? lo<gon grafh<n i[ero<n lo<goi grafai< i[era< lo<gwn grafw?n i[erw?n lo<goij grafai?j i[eroi?j lo<gouj grafa<j i[era<
Preping Prepositions proj (to) Accusative (towards) ei]j (into) e]n (in) Dative (in) a]po (from) Genitive (separation, from) e]k (out of, from) e]pi< (on) kata< (down, against) su<n (with) meta< (with; after) peri (about, around) dia (through; on account of)
Vocabulary – Ch 6 a]po< (+ Gen.) from from dia< (+ Gen.) through through dia< (+ Acc.) on account of on account of ei]j (+ Acc.) into into e]k (+ Gen.) out of out of
Vocabulary – Ch 6 e]n (+ Dat.) in in e]pi< (+ Gen.) on, over on, over e]pi< (+ Dat) on, against, at, on the basis of on, against, at, on the basis of
Vocabulary – Ch. 6 (cont.) e]pi< (+ Acc.) on, toward, to, against on, toward, to, against kata< (+ Gen.) down, against down, against kata< (+ Acc.) according to according to meta< (+ Gen.) with with
Vocabulary – Ch. 6 (cont.) meta< (+ Acc.) after, behind after, behind peri< (+ Gen.) about, concerning about, concerning peri< (+ Acc.) around, near around, nearpro<j to (+ Acc.) to (+ Acc.)
John 1:1 ]En a]rx^? h#n o[ lo<goj, ]En a]rx^? h#n o[ lo<goj, in the beginning was the word in the beginning was the word kai> o[ lo j to>n qeo o[ lo j to>n qeo<n and the word was with God and the word was with God kai> qeo>j h#n o[ lo qeo>j h#n o[ lo<goj and the word was God. and the word was God.
Introducing the Adjectives
Adjectives Definition: word used to modify a noun or pronoun. Often answers the question "What kind of ________ is it?" –The red truck sped by us. –What kind of truck? -- red –The good mechanic passed our car.
3 Types of Adjectives Usage Attributive: attributes a characteristic to the noun -- The good book Predicate: Assigns a characteristic to the subject of the sentence -- The book is good. Substantive: the adjective acts as a stand alone noun -- The good die young. These three usages are the tricky part of adjectives. Note the differences well.
A "Good" Adjective Paradigm Masc Fem Neut Masc Fem Neut Nom Sg a]gaqo<j a]gaqh< a]gaqo<n Gen Sg agaqou? a]gaqh?j a]gaqou? Dat Sg a]gaq&? a]gaq^? a]gaq&? Acc Sg a]gaqo<n a]gaqh<n a]gaqo<n Nom Pl a]gaqoi< a]gaqai< a]gaqa< Gen Pl a]gaqw?n a]gaqw?n a]gaqw?n Dat Pl a]gaqoi?j a]gaqai?j a]gaqoi?j Acc Pl a]gaqou<j a]gaqa<j a]gaqa<
Attributive Position (+ Art.) Attributive: the Adj. has the Article –o[ a]gaqo>j lo j lo<goj -- the good word –o[ lo<goj o[ a]gaqo<j -- the good word –e]gw o[ poimh>n o[ kalo o[ poimh>n o[ kalo<j –I am the good shepherd (Jn. 10:11).
Predicate Position (No Art.) Predicate position the Adj. has no Article but the noun has a Art. –a]gaqo>j o[ lo j o[ lo<goj -- the word is good. –o[ lo j -- the word is good. –kai> o[ ou$toj di o[ ou$toj di<kaioj –and this man was righteous (Lk. 2:25).
Predicate or Attributive? Sometimes both the noun and the adjective do not have the article in which case context must determine whether it is predicate or attributive –kai> a]nh>r a]gaqo>j kai> di a]nh>r a]gaqo>j kai> di<kaioj –and a good and righteous man (Lk 23:50)
Substantive Use -- No noun The substantive often has the Article but no accompanying noun –oi[ de> di n ai]w di n ai]w<nion –and the righteous unto eternal life
The "is" verb PAI -- ei]mi< Singular Plural ei]mi< I am e]sme<n we are ei# you are e]ste< you are e]sti<(n) he/she/it is ei]si<(n) they are This verb is very important. Chant these forms.
Example of ei]mi< o!ti o[ qeo>j a]lhqh j a]lhqh<j e]stin. that God is true (Jn 3:33)
Negation of the Indicative -- ou] ou] -- before a consonant kai> ou] lamba ou] lamba<nete< me and you do not accept me and you do not accept me ou]k -- before a smooth breath vowel kai> le le<gei, Ou]k ei]mi< and he said "I am not“ and he said "I am not“ ou]x -- before a rough breathing vowel ou]x u[mei?j le<gete o!ti ou]x u[mei?j le<gete o!ti do you not say that do you not say that
Vocabulary -- Ch. 7 a]gaqo<j, -h<, -o<n – good
Vocabulary -- Ch. 7 a!gioj, -a, -on – holy
Vocabulary -- Ch. 7 di<kaioj, -a, -on – righteous
Vocabulary -- Ch. 7 ei]mi< – I am
Vocabulary -- Ch. 7 ]Ioudai?oj, -a, -on – Jewish, a Jew
Vocabulary -- Ch. 7 me<gaj, mega<lh, me<ga – great
Vocabulary -- Ch. 7 nekro<j, -a<, -o<n – dead
Vocabulary -- Ch. 7 ou], ou]k, ou]x – no, not
Vocabulary -- Ch. 7 prw?toj, -h, -on – first
Vocabulary -- Ch. 7 fwnh<, -h?j, h[ – voice
Vocabulary Review
Ch Vocabulary angel, messenger -ou, o[ verily, truly a]mh<n man, humankind -ou, o[ I e]gw< e]gw<God qeo<j, -ou?, o[
Ch Vocabulary and, also, even kai<heart kardi<a, -aj, h[ I say I sayle<gwprophet profh<thj, -ou, o[ Christ, Messiah Xristo<j, -ou?, o[
Ch Vocabulary brother –a]delfo<j, -ou?, o[ I hear, obey –a]kou<w glory, fame –do<ca, -hj, h[ I have world –ko<smoj, -ou, o[
Ch Vocabulary Lord, sir –ku<rioj, -ou, o[ word –lo<goj, -ou, o[ Peter –Pe<troj, -ou, o[ son –ui[o<j, -ou?, o[ Pharisee –Farisai?oj, -ou, o[
Ch Vocabulary but, yet –a]lla< apostle, sent one –a]po<stoloj, -ou, o[ I see –ble<pw for, then –ga<r I know – ginw<skw
Ch Vocabulary Jesus – ]Ihsou?j, -ou?, o[ I take, receive –lamba<nw I loose –lu<w heaven –ou]rano<j, -ou?, o[ I believe –pisteu<w
Ch Vocabulary a]gapa<w –I love gra<fw – I write de< –but, and dou?loj, -ou, o[ –servant, slave eu[ri<skw –I find
Ch Vocabulary i[ero<n, -ou?, to< i[ero<n, -ou?, to< –temple lao<j, -ou?, o[ lao<j, -ou?, o[ –people no<moj, -ou, o[ no<moj, -ou, o[ –law oi#koj, -ou, o[ oi#koj, -ou, o[ –house w[j –as, about, how
Ch Vocabulary a]ga<ph, -hj, h[ –love a]lh<qeia, -aj, h[ –truth a[marti<a, -aj, h[ –sin basilei<a, -aj, h[ –kingdom grafh<, -h?j, h[ –writing, Scripture
Ch Vocabulary e]gei<rw –I raise up e]kklhsi<a, -aj, h[ –assembly, church -ou, to< –work maqhth<j, -ou?, o[ –disciple w!ra, -aj, h[ –Hour
Chapter 6 Vocabulary a]po< (Gen.) –from dia< (Gen.) –through dia< (Acc.) –on account of ei]j (Acc.) –into
Chapter 6 Vocabulary e]k (Gen.) –out of, from e]n (Dat.) –in e]pi< (Gen.) –on, over epi< (Dat.) –on, at, against, on the basis of
Chapter 6 Vocabulary e]pi< (Acc.) –on, to, toward, against kata< (Gen.) –down, against kata< (Acc.) –according to meta< (Gen.) –with
Chapter 6 Vocabulary meta< (Acc.) –after, behind peri< (Gen.) –about, concerning peri< (Acc.) –around, near pro<j (Acc.) –to
Vocabulary -- Ch. 7 a]gaqo<j, -h<, -o<n –good a!gioj, -a, -on –holy di<kaioj, -a, -on –righteous
Vocabulary – Ch. 7 ei]mi< –I am ]Ioudai?oj, -a, -on ]Ioudai?oj, -a, -on –Jewish, a Jew me<gaj, mega<lh, me<ga –great
Vocabulary -- Ch. 7 nekro<j, -a<, -o<n dead dead ou], ou]k, ou]x no, not no, not prw?toj, -h, -on first first fwnh<, -h?j, h[ voice voice