Education Community of Practice 21 April 2005, Sabancı University Cemil Arıkan Research and Graduate Policy
Some of our Sponsored Research Projects Sponsored Research at SU University networks, highest calibre internationally recognized scholars, graduate programs, research management organization as well as the state of the art infrastructure Close links with the state, business community, NGO's, and other institutions of higher education, a range of international constitutions, such as European Union, EUREKA, NSF and Packard Foundation. Industrial collaborations European Union Bossa Cisco Festo AG Danimarka Araştırma Kurumu NATO Pendik Belediyesi Enplast GE Marmara Technology Center DuPont K+S KALI Gmbh Teknosa Beymen Logo Setaş Tübitak
Development of Sponsored Reseach at Sabancı University Industry contracted research and consulting: 2.7 milyon USD 18 Completed projects
Added value of Sponsored Research at SU Setaş Paint Project: 2 awards (TÜSİAD-TÜBİTAK-TTGV Technology Award & Germany; University- Industry collabortaion success award EUREKA PACK success story Festo Germany Robotics Project & Leaders for Industry Partnership Arçelik sensor technology project - 2 patents Biofortification – Wheat research; Ministry of Agriculture Award Successful participation in EU 6th Framework Programs: 8 projects contracted Scientific publications
IP owned by SU, rights on commercial return contractually shared & managed Added value of Sponsored Research at SU Intellectual Property (IP) 1 registered international patent, 8 applications Intellectual Property management policies and IP disclosure processes in place Commercial development of IP is supported through internal and professional mechanisms. Typically: Grants SUSponsoredresearch Graduateresearch Commecial development thru an SU-owned company Commecial development thru an SU-owned company
Leaders for Industry Program Why ? Manufacturing industry is going through a major transformation; Communication and information technologies have changed the environment and culture in which added value in industry operations, manufacturing processes and products can be achieved through innovation. Sustainability of businesses relies heavily upon the institutions’s ability to adopt this change. Businesses exist in a knowledge-intensive environment where sole production is no longer the focal point. Knowledge management creates the value. Service aspect is integrated into manufacturing Turkey is becoming a manufactoring center globally Turkish manufacturing industry exists in this transforming competitive environment in which value creation and sustainable development is dependent on its ability to create and manage knowledge and its ability to innovate. Such transformations require highly qualified human resources, which is what Leaders for Industry Program aims to achieve.
Leaders for Industry Program aims to... Support the development of Turkish manufacturing industry by educating young individuals equipped with necessary technical and managerial skills and an ability to adopt a leadership role in the environment that they work in.
Leaders for Industry Program Structure & Industry Partnership A Joint Program: FENS, GSM and 11 Partner Companies Industry Practice: Project work with an industrial partner for 6 months Two Degrees in Two Years: MSc in Engineering MSc in Management
G O S B (GEBZE) T E C H N O P A R K KOCAELI CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY: (% 1) GEBZE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (% 1) TEFEN TURKEY TECHNOPARK Ltd. (% 48) Management and Services Support Infrastructure-Superstructure Networking Entrepreneurship, Consultancy, Networking, Labs. Networking Know-how Transfer Marketing and Export Support Networking SABANCI UNIVERSITY (% 1,5 ) Networking, Labs. KOCAELI UNIVERSITY (% 0,5) G O S B (% 48) GOSB (Gebze) Technopark Inc.
Purpose: Promote the entrepreneurship culture Guide and give support to new entrepreneurs Follow up the performance after the program Participants: Potential entrepreneurs with innovative ideas who want to establish their own businesses, Small and Medium Enterprises, Young researchers Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP)
EDP 2003 Sponsored by Sabancı Bank plc London and GOSB Technopark June 7- July 23, Entrepreneurs educated EDP 2005 Sponsored by İŞKUR through EU funds 131,000 € (2005) Spring Term: April 9- May 11, 2005 Summer Term: August 6- September 14, Entrepreneurs to be educated Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP)