“How can you prove that!”
Hermeneutics How do I understand? What does it mean to understand something? Background:Understanding the bible Understanding the law Phenomenology German/continental philosophy Martin Heidegger ( ) Hans Georg Gadamer (1900 – 2002)
Hermeneutics Problem: How can I secure the quality of my research? The problem of knowing – Ontology Epistemology
Hermeneutics The problem of understanding and truth in science Nihilism (I do not care about your research) Scepticism (I do not believe you) Rationalism (Theory is the thing – and it should be for you as well) Positivism (Data is the ting – and it should be for you as well) Hermeneutics as an alternative
Hermenutics The problem with nihilism and scepticism Nihilism - ignored Scepticism: The scandal of philosophy. Is there an external world? Hermeneutics Through language are we part of a community, which makes scepticism irrelevant. Ask Instead: What does it mean to be!
Hermeneutics The problem of understanding Heidegger: Vor-grif (Language, concepts) Vor-sight (horizon, world view) Vor-habe (intention)
Hermeneutics Understanding Prejudice: all understanding begins with a prejudice Vor-wissen, Pre-understanding, for-forståelse I know that there is something, therefore I can ask interesting questions and correct my pre- understanding into a good, trustworthy, genuine, true, reliable understanding
Hermeneutics Horizon: “Pardon him, Theodotus: He is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.” (G.B. Shaw, Caesar and Cleopatra) Horizon, world view, schetama, reality, …
Hermeneutics Understanding as Fusion of Horizons Understand your own horizon Understand the other’s horizon Understand the horizon of your field of research Understand a common horizon Understand a new horizon
Hermeneutics Distance of time Things are forgotten Distance of time gives us the possibility of new and interesting interpretations. Ex: The history of witches.
Hermeneutics Tradition - Überlieferung ”Understanding is to be thought of less as a subjective act than as participating in an event of tradition, a process of transmission in which past and present is constantly mediated”
Hermeneutics History of effect (Virkungsgeschicte) and consciousness of history of effect To understand history is to understand its effect on the future Ex: Jesus and the witches
Hermeneutics The foreconception of completeness Wahrheitsanspruch - the claim of truth The text is a whole The text is true If not, we will wonder
Hermeneutics Situation Nothing happens in a vacuum We are always in time an space We bring our personal history We bring our experiences We bring our prejudices We are always in a situation, which will affect our interpretations
Hermeneutics Questions as prerequisite and possibility
Hermeneutics Understanding as use The judge understands the law when he uses it The engineer understands math when she uses it
Hermeneutics Truth as ”aletheia” “A glade in the forest – walking towards the light” A constant search for truth - which we will probably never find – but the search will make us wiser!
Hermeneutics Conclusions Understanding as a fusion of horizons “Man må sætte sine fordomme på spil for at få dem i spil” Put your prejudices at stake Understanding is self-understanding Understanding is to be part of a tradition Understanding is tied to a situation Understanding is understanding of something (sachverstehen) Understanding is ethical Understanding and use
Hermeneutics Conclusions The quality of my research? Prejudices Horizons and fusion of horizons Sachverstehen
Hermeneutics What do we make of all this? What's in it for an engineer?