CPS Assessment Processes May 2, 2006. Learning Assessment in CPS Within the College of Professional Studies (CPS), student learning is assessed systematically.


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Presentation transcript:

CPS Assessment Processes May 2, 2006

Learning Assessment in CPS Within the College of Professional Studies (CPS), student learning is assessed systematically starting with the University’s learning objectives, which provide the basis for objectives in the ARC-level syllabi

ARC-Level Syllabi In the ARC syllabi, specific objectives are created to denote the observable behaviors students should exhibit to demonstrate that learning has occurred. –The ARC syllabi are approved by the ARC committee, which adds another level of credibility to our courses –The ARC syllabi provide the foundation for the course-level syllabi

Course-Level Syllabi In the course syllabi, the ARC-level objectives are broken down into course- level objectives –Course-level objectives focus on specific behaviors the student should exhibit to demonstrate that learning has occurred related to course assignments and activities.

Course Assignments & Activities Instructors have the opportunity to observe and assess how much and/or how well a student has achieved the required objectives as the student participates in class activities and/or completes the assignments. –Assignments and activities vary by course and delivery format—online or in class.

Types of Assignments & Activities Instructors utilize a variety of assignments and activities to help assess learning within each course including, but not limited to: –Course papers –Individual/group projects –Presentations –Tests/quizzes –Discussions/debates –Journals –Formal and informal student feedback Instructors typically use rubrics or other means to assess the student’s level of learning for each assignment or activity.

Rubrics A rubric or some specific instructions are provided to the student, typically in the course syllabus, to specify the level of effort and the quality of work required to earn a specific grade –Letter grades are defined by the University, which in turn provides the basis for the rubrics that define whether a student’s work is excellent, good, average, poor, or failing.

Overall Assessment in CPS In CPS, each course within each program/degree is assessed using the original version of Bloom’s Learning Taxonomy and a multi-faceted approach that includes: – University-level objectives and guidelines –ARC-level syllabi –Course-level syllabi –Descriptions of course activities and assignments

Course/Program Assessments The course/program assessments within CPS utilize a spreadsheet upon which each course activity/assignment is evaluated for: –Which level(s) of Bloom’s Taxonomy are being addressed –Which ARC-level objectives are being addressed –Which University-level objectives are being addressed

Three Levels of Evaluation The course/program assessments are performed separately by: –The Program Director –The Director of Program Development –The Dean The three, separate evaluations are then combined into one sheet to evaluate similarities or differences in the scoring and to determine potential areas for improvement.

Academic Assessment Committee CPS also has a representative on the Academic Assessment Committee to help support independent evaluations of learning for accreditation purposes.

Bellevue University goals & objectives set the standard ARC-level syllabi & objectives created and submitted to ARC Committee for approval Course-level syllabi & objectives created and used to develop course assignments & activities Course assignments & activities evaluated using grading standards or rubrics Instructor assigns grades students have earned using University’s definition of letter grades Course/Program assessment Process using Bloom’s Taxonomy, ARC-level objectives, and University goals & objectives--an independent assessment by the Program Director, the Director of Program Development, and the Dean of CPS CPS Representative on Academic Assessment Committee LEARNING ASSESSMENT PROCESS in the COLLEGE of PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Formal and Informal feedback obtained from students.

Conclusion The College of Professional Studies utilized a variety of processes to assess student learning.