The Four Seasons Anna Tran Feb. 16, 2010
Essential Questions What are the Four Seasons? Which months are included in each season? What major holidays are in each season?
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills – First Grade §112.3. Science, Grade 1. Science concepts. The student knows that many types of change occur. The student is expected to: observe and record changes in weather from day to day and over seasons; and §113.3. Social Studies, Grade 1. Throughout social studies in Kindergarten-Grade 12, students build a foundation in history; geography; economics; government; citizenship; culture; science, technology, and society; and social studies skills. The content, as appropriate for the grade level or course, enables students to understand the importance of patriotism, function in a free enterprise society, and appreciate the basic democratic values of our state and nation as referenced in the Texas Education Code, §28.002(h).
TEKS continued – First Grade §113.3. Social Studies, Grade 1. History. The student understands the origins of customs, holidays, and celebrations. The student is expected to: describe the origins of selected customs, holidays, and celebrations of the community, state, and nation such as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Independence Day, and Veterans' Day; compare the observance of holidays and celebrations, past and present; and History. The student understands the concepts of time and chronology. The student is expected to: create a calendar or timeline; and Citizenship. The student understands important customs, symbols, and celebrations that represent American beliefs and principles and contribute to our national identity. The student is expected to: explain selected national and state patriotic symbols such as the U.S. and Texas flags, the Liberty Bell, and the Alamo; explain how selected customs, symbols, and celebrations reflect an American love of individualism, inventiveness, and freedom.
What Are The Four Seasons?
Spring Spring covers the months of
Spring Holidays Spring holidays include Easter, St. Patrick’s Day, Mother’s Day, April Fools Day, and Memorial Day.
Summer Summer includes the months
Summer Holidays Summer holidays includes Father’s Day and Fourth of July, or Independence Day.
Fall The months of Fall or Autumn are
Fall Holidays Fall or Autumn holidays include Halloween, Thanksgiving, Veteran’s Day, and Labor Day.
Winter The season of Winter includes
Winter Holidays Winter holidays include Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, and St. Valentine’s Day.
Let’s Review! What months are included in the Summer? June, July, and August What are the holidays in the Winter? Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year’s Day, and St. Valentine’s Day True or False? The months of Spring are February, March, and April. False. Correct answer: March, April, and May Is Halloween and Thanksgiving during the season of Fall or Autumn? Yes.
Activities In-class Activity Out-of-class Activity Students are required to match the correct months to each season. Activity sheet will be given. Out-of-class Activity Students are required to make a poster representing their favorite holiday with the correct seasons, and share it with the class. Be creative. Parents assistance needed.
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