FY 2012
An initiative by State of Missouri to attract and maintain industries An initiative to keep Missouri’s current workforce competitive in the global markets An initiative to assist Missouri companies with training costs
Division of Workforce Development (DWD) ◦ FY12 training period: July 1, 2011 – June 3, 2012 ◦ Reimbursement limited to $3,000 per trainee ◦ All DWD-awarded training funds must be ‘matched’ by training related expenses
New Expanding Retraining
Approved training ranges from technical and quality courses to managerial and soft skills Training may be provided by: o Community college o Private vendor o Individual company
Missouri residents Full-time, regular employees on company’s payroll (average 35 hours per week) DWD requires wage at least $10 per hour Trainee may not be an immediate family member of company’s owner or company’s administrative or management staff
Instructional salaries, design & development Assessments Supplies Tuition Pre-employment training Job aids Travel (LEA instructors) Fringe benefits (LEA instructors)
Submitted via Local Education Agency (LEA) Apply April/May
Employer Request for Training Assistance (ERT) Agreement for Services Union Consultation Letter Federal Work Authorization program E-Verify-Alien Certification Form Memorandum of Understanding
General business information ◦ Capital investment ◦ Collective bargaining agreement ◦ Layoff Job classifications Training project information Training program budget
To be signed by: ◦ Company President or ◦ Chief Executive Officer or ◦ Plant Manager or ◦ Corporate Board Member or ◦ Other company representative with statement verifying their authorization
Is required by DWD Companies with Collective Bargaining Agreements require that a statement indicating the bargaining agent: ◦ Has been consulted and ◦ Concurs to the training
2008 Legislation HB1549 prohibits state and local agencies from providing benefits to companies that knowingly employee illegal workers. For more information: The ERT Application must include: Signed and notarized Alien Certification Form E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding Employer agrees to register all new hires in E-Verify
Submit expense documentation to LEA Submit monthly Class roster Documentation must include: ◦ Training component name & number ◦ Instructor name and signature ◦ Start and end dates of training/development ◦ Number of hours and cost per hour (broken out by instruction and curriculum development)
Documentation: Paid invoice Class roster Documentation must indicate: ◦ Training component ◦ Instructor name & signature ◦ Start & end dates of training/development ◦ Number of hours & cost per hour (broken out by instruction and curriculum development)
All consumable supplies must include: An itemized & dated receipt Paid invoice
DWD requires matching training funds for all approved Customized Training funding Expenses must be incurred within the same fiscal year as funding year
Employee training not funded by DWD Salary & benefits of trainees for training time Rental of space or equipment for training Salary & benefits of company training coordinators Raw materials used in manufacturing process during training (Product can not be sold.)
Classroom Participant Training Summary form Data to be collected as training occurs Unduplicated & eligible trainees Includes trainee eligibility statement required by DWD Due at end of training or end of fiscal year