Collaborative Models of Education ADN-BSN Top Ten Countdown of Breakthroughs and Barriers COLLABORATIVE NURSING EDUCATION CONTINUUM MODEL (CNECM) Presented by: Liz Close (SSU), Roz Hartman (COM), & Susan Engel (NVC)
The Ah Ha Moments … Breakthroughs! serious misalignment of ADN and BSN General Education requirements. quality and extent of pathophysiology, health assessment, and clinical preceptorship in prelicensure education at ADN and BSN level are similar substantive system changes must occur to support ADN students pursuing baccalaureate and higher nursing education complexity of nursing education and career planning/advancement requires centralized counseling and advising resources keeping things simple, using unconventional strategies, and never loosing sight of THE MAIN GOAL are critical approaches
I Have a Lump on My Forehead … Barriers Individual advising/counseling for students interested in nursing, current ADN students and ADN graduates. Scheduling university courses during ADN program (we will stick with intersession and summer breaks only!) Managing self-support and state funded educational offerings to comply with CSU policy and simultaneously meet the extraordinary needs of ADN students and graduates. Completion of the degree requirements for the ADN, although garnering 70 units of transferrable credit to the CSU, does not coincide with completion of the approved 39 unit CSU GE transfer pattern.
Drum Roll Please … Most Surprising Outcome The elation expressed by students, faculty, educational counselors, RNs and administrators over this collaborative, seamless repaving of the ADN-BSN-MSN highway!!