How education about sustainable development can include all parts of the schools activities. Swedish workshop - Group 6: ICKFELK Hlios
AGE GROUP Primary school 4 – 12 approx NB: We wish to adopt a spiral approach with relation to the progression of the children’s understanding as they move through the grades/ classes etc
Spiral approach How 1.In infant classes the education is very much based in physical activity, which is quite informal and social in nature. The objective being to develop norms such as picking up rubbish and putting it in the bin or switching off lights as they leave rooms etc 2.This happens because they do these things every day and over time it becomes habit. 3. This is modeled by the teacher and older students in the school Why 1.We believe it is easier for them to remain engaged and learn informally and with their peers 2.Because this becomes something that they will continue throughout their schooling and later on 3.Young children often emulate the behaviour they see around them and by encouraging this positive emulation in the early years it will create a cycle of positive behaviour
GOAL: Generate greater understanding of sustainable development in terms of theoretical knowledge AND practical application of that knowledge outside of the school context i.e. LIFELONG KNOWLEDGE
Whole school planning Integrated projects at each level of the primary school Linking the curriculum Social, Environmental and Economic understanding of Sustainable Development Important aspects of our approach:
Learning process Class Discussion how can they make their school a better place to be Integrated Projects(Multimedia): Linking the various subject areas AS WELL as Economical, Social and Ecological perspectives of Sustainable Development This is done in small group work because we want to encourage the children to actively learn and discover various aspects of their part of the project in a social context (Based on the theory of constructivism) Exhibition of their work Displaying and communicating to others (including other classes, parents, school staff and some community members) the work they have completed as part pof their projects e.g. constructions, models, posters, books, ICT programmes
Evaluation Teacher observation and analysis of the quality of students discussions and work and how they improve over time When they become aware of the issues surrounding the environment through their work they should begin to behave in ways that are environmentally friendly etc without having to be told explicitly by the teacher Hopefully the programe would change the mindset of the whole community and not only the children themselves. Seeing the children protecting the environment will raise the consciousness of the wider community – a ripple effect
Self Evaluation of the Children How do they think they are getting on in their work. Do they understand the differences their efforts make. Do they get immediate feedback and do they recognise this etc
Motivation of the children 1.Intrinsic Motivation Through discussion and continuous activity in the area of sustanable development they begin to care about their behaviour and the behaviour of their community. 2.Extrinsic Motivation Reward systems etc that can compliment the development of intrinsic motivation
Thank you all for listening!