This insect is completely This insect is completely cosmopolitan. It is known be present in Australia, Brazil, East Indies, Hawaii, and south This aphid is far more common and injurious in the Southern and Western States. It is known be present in Australia, Brazil, East Indies, Hawaii, and south This aphid is far more common and injurious in the Southern and Western Aphid survey has been conducted since 1988 to April, That found they are Fourteen aphid species were recorded for the first time in Saudi Arabia (Aldryhim, Y. N.//A. F. Khalil. King Saud Univ. Agric. Aphid survey has been conducted since 1988 to April, That found they are Fourteen aphid species were recorded for the first time in Saudi Arabia (Aldryhim, Y. N.//A. F. Khalil. King Saud Univ. Agric. Sci)
The cotton or melon aphid attacks a wide variety of The cotton or melon aphid attacks a wide variety of Economically important plants that are attacked include cucumber, egg plant, asparagus, Economically important plants that are attacked include cucumber, egg plant, asparagus, peppers.
BIOLOGY Characteristics Characteristics - Members of the Aphididae are soft- bodied, pear shaped insect called aphids. - Members of the Aphididae are soft- bodied, pear shaped insect called aphids. - Wing are not always present. Aphid sucking mouthparts - Wing are not always present. Aphid sucking mouthparts - They have cornicles, projecting from the posterior of the abdomen. - They have cornicles, projecting from the posterior of the abdomen. - Aphid secret liquid honey dew, which is used as food by ants, honey bees. A common misconception is that honey dew is secreted by the cornicles. - Aphid secret liquid honey dew, which is used as food by ants, honey bees. A common misconception is that honey dew is secreted by the cornicles.
Eggs. In temperate regions this aphid over winters as eggs. In temperate regions this aphid over winters as eggs. The shiny black eggs are often laid on the bark of fruit trees. The shiny black eggs are often laid on the bark of fruit trees. Nymphs Nymphs This insect has four nymph stages separate by molts, Each stage lasts from 1-3 days for a total nymph period of 4-12 days. This insect has four nymph stages separate by molts, Each stage lasts from 1-3 days for a total nymph period of 4-12 days. Nymphs resemble adults except for their smaller size. They do not have wings.
Adults Adult melon aphids are soft bodied insect. They are pear shaped and range from 1/16 to 1/4 inch in length. Color varies from yellowish green, to brownish green, to almost black. Adult female produce 8-22 young per day.
SYMPTOM Aphid feed by sucking sap from their host. Infested leaves often become cupped downwards and may appear wrinkled. Heavy infestation on some hosts may results in wilting, young plants may have reduced or stunted growth. Aphids vector many plant disease which cause substantially greater losses than damage caused by direct feeding injury. The melon aphid is an important vector of aver 50 plant viruses.
MANAGEMENT Non-Chemical Control There are several beneficial insect that help to control aphid populations through: Parasitism Parasite to this aphid include Aphelinus gossypii (Timberlake) and Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) Parasite to this aphid include Aphelinus gossypii (Timberlake) and Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) Predation Some of the predators include Chrysopa spp. Coelophora inaqualis (Fabricus)
Chemical Control Insecticides should be used sparingly Insecticides should be used sparingly conjunction with non-chemical control methods. conjunction with non-chemical control methods. Susceptibility of aphid populations influence by: Endosulfan, Esfenvalerate, Methomyl Endosulfan as the best choice for aphid control (Hollingsworth,et al.,1994). Endosulfan as the best choice for aphid control (Hollingsworth,et al.,1994).
- Damage on the asparagus and pepper leaves
Aphid population on other host; CINARA SPECIES
Predator beetle
REFERENCES Aldryhim, Y. N.//A. F. Khalil New in aphids from Saudi Arabia. King Saud Univ. Agric. Sci Aldryhim, Y. N.//A. F. Khalil New in aphids from Saudi Arabia. King Saud Univ. Agric. Sci Blackman, R.L. and V.F.Eastop. Aphis gossypii Glover.1984 Blackman, R.L. and V.F.Eastop. Aphis gossypii Glover.1984 Elmer, H.S. and O.L Brawner Control of brown Soft scale in central valley. Citrograph. 60(11): Elmer, H.S. and O.L Brawner Control of brown Soft scale in central valley. Citrograph. 60(11): Francki, R.I.B., D.W.Mossop and T.Hatta.1979.Cucumber Mozaic Virus. Descriptions of plant viruses No.213 Francki, R.I.B., D.W.Mossop and T.Hatta.1979.Cucumber Mozaic Virus. Descriptions of plant viruses No.213 Hollingsworth, R.G., B.E. Tabashnik, et. al. Resistance of aphis gossypii (Homoptera: Aphididae) Spatial Pattern and relation to insecticide use. J. Econ.Entomol.82(2): Hollingsworth, R.G., B.E. Tabashnik, et. al. Resistance of aphis gossypii (Homoptera: Aphididae) Spatial Pattern and relation to insecticide use. J. Econ.Entomol.82(2):