National United University Department of Electrical Engineering ( Meiling CHEN ) Lecture 00 應用線性代數 (3 學分 ) Linear algebra and its applications
National United University Department of Electrical Engineering ( Meiling CHEN ) 課程相關資訊: 教科書 : Linear algebra and its applications 作 者: Gilbert Strang MIT 開放課程網頁 : 課程網頁 : 評分方式: 平時成績:佔學期總分 30% 期中考試:第九週,佔學期總分 30% 期末考試:第十八週,佔學期總分 40% 大學部總分 60 及格 。
National United University Department of Electrical Engineering ( Meiling CHEN ) 雇主在聘用大專畢業生時優先考量的能力 1. 良好工作態度 2. 穩定度與抗壓性 3. 表達與溝通能力 4. 學習意願與可塑性 5. 專業知識與技術 6. 團隊合作能力 7. 發掘與解決問題能力 8. 基礎電腦應用技能 9. 外語能力 10. 遵循專業倫理道德 11. 創新能力 12. 能將理論運用於實務 13. 擁有專業證照 14. 了解產業環境與發展 15. 對職涯發展充份了解及 規劃 16. 領導能力 17. 求職與自我推銷能力
National United University Department of Electrical Engineering ( Meiling CHEN ) Linear equation 線性代數:解決線性方程式的學問
National United University Department of Electrical Engineering ( Meiling CHEN ) Good case (exactly one solution) Elimination matrix operations LU factorization
National United University Department of Electrical Engineering ( Meiling CHEN ) Bad case (infinite many solutions) Four fundamental spaces Numbers of solution Basis (independent vectors)
National United University Department of Electrical Engineering ( Meiling CHEN ) Inconsistence find best solution Orthogonal vectors Orthogonal spaces Projection (least square) Gram Schmidt factorization
National United University Department of Electrical Engineering ( Meiling CHEN ) Dynamic systems Eigenvalues & eigenvectors Diagonalization Symmetric matrix Partial differential equations Partial difference equations
National United University Department of Electrical Engineering ( Meiling CHEN ) Others applications Quadratic form (positive definite) Similar matrices Jordan form SVD (nondiagonalizable)