--The SQL Query Language DML--1 LIKE LIKE allows to select character strings which have some element in common by using wild cards: Wild cards: “%” means “zero, one or more characters” “_” means “one single character”
--The SQL Query Language DML--2 SELECT: Queries Over Several Tables Which films name ends in “100”? SELECT Title FROM Film WHERE Title LIKE ‘%100’ Which films name contains the character a, b and c in the first, third and fifth positions? SELECT Title FROM Film WHERE Title LIKE ‘a_b_c%’
--The SQL Query Language DML--3 Correlated Subqueries Subquery must be re-evaluated for each tuple in outer SELECT Table variable is used Find the customers who live at more than one address (assume the key of Customer is (CustomerID, Address)). SELECT Name FROM Customer C WHERE CustomerID IN (SELECT D.CustomerID FROM Customer D WHERE C.Address <> D.Address)
--The SQL Query Language DML--4 Multiple Attribute Producing Subquery The subquery produces a table with several columns EXISTS true if subquery produced table has a tuple NOT EXISTS true if subquery produced table is empty
--The SQL Query Language DML--5 EXISTS List the customers who live in Dublin and have a film reserved. SELECT Name FROM Customer WHERE City = ’Dublin’ AND EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM Reserved WHERE Reserved.CustomerID = Customer.CustomerID)
--The SQL Query Language DML--6 EXISTS, cont. Often, EXISTS can be replaced with another correlation name. List the customers who live in Dublin and have a film reserved. SELECT Name FROM Customer, Reserved WHERE City = ’Dublin’ AND Customer.CustomerID = Reserved.CustomerID
--The SQL Query Language DML--7 NOT EXISTS List the customers who live in Dublin but have no films reserved. SELECT Name FROM Customer WHERE City = ’Dublin’ AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Reserved WHERE Reserved.CustomerID = Customer.CustomerID)
--The SQL Query Language DML--8 Outline - The SELECT statement Single table Projection Selection Multiple tables Cartesian product and join Set operations Subqueries Optional clauses Ordering results Computing aggregates on groups Additional joins
--The SQL Query Language DML--9 ORDER BY Can sort the result of a select, using ORDER BY. Who has reserved a film? SELECT Name FROM Customer, Reserved WHERE Customer.CustomerID = Reserved.CustomerID ORDER BY Name Can also sort in descending order, via DESC (ASC is the default). SELECT Name FROM Customer, Reserved WHERE Customer.CustomerID = Reserved.CustomerID ORDER BY Name DESC Only columns in the select list can be used for the ordering.
--The SQL Query Language DML--10 Select in the From Clause The table in a from clause can itself be a select statement. List the customers who have reserved an expensive film. SELECT CustomerID FROM Reserved,(SELECT * FROM Film WHERE RentalPrice > 4) AS Expensive WHERE Reserved.FilmID = Expensive.FilmID A correlation name is required in such cases.
--The SQL Query Language DML--11 Aggregates Aggregates operate on the set of values of a column of a table, and return a single value. SUM: sum of values AVG: average value MAX: maximum value MIN: minimum value COUNT: number of values How many reservations are there? SELECT COUNT (*) FROMReserved
--The SQL Query Language DML--12 Aggregates, cont. What is the total rental price of all films? SELECT SUM(RentalPrice) FROMFilm Eliminate duplicates before computing aggregate with DISTINCT In how many cities do customers reside? SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT City) FROMCustomer
--The SQL Query Language DML--13 Aggregates, cont. What is the average rental price of reserved films? SELECT AVG(RentalPrice) FROMReserved, Film WHEREReserved.FilmID = Film.FilmID Find the film(s) with the highest rental price. SELECT Title FROM Film WHERE RentalPrice IN (SELECT MAX(RentalPrice) FROM Film)
--The SQL Query Language DML--14 GROUP BY The table can be partitioned into several groups specifying GROUP BY Each group has the same attribute values for the indicated columns. Name Age Pam4 Pat1 Joe3 2 Pat1Pam4 Joe3 2 Groups GROUP BY Name
--The SQL Query Language DML--15 GROUP BY, cont. Aggregate is applied to each group. What is the oldest age for each name? SELECT Name, MAX(Age) FROMPerson GROUP BY Name Name Age Pam4 Pat1 Joe3 2 Groups Pam4 Pat1 Joe3 2 MAX is 1 MAX is 4 MAX is 3 Pam4 Pat1 Joe3 Name Max(Age)
--The SQL Query Language DML--16 GROUP BY, cont. What is the average rental price of reserved films, by kind? SELECT Kind, AVG(RentalPrice) FROMReserved, Film WHERE Reserved.FilmID = Film.FilmID GROUP BY Kind
--The SQL Query Language DML--17 HAVING Individual groups can be eliminated by using HAVING. List the names and average age per name, as long as the average is more than 2. Name Age Pam4 Pat1 Joe3 2 Groups Pam4 Pat1 Joe3 2 AVG is 1 AVG is 4 AVG is 2.5 Pam4.0 Joe2.5 Name AVG(Age) SELECT Name, AVG(Age) FROMPerson GROUP BY Name HAVING AVG(Age) > 2
--The SQL Query Language DML--18 HAVING, cont. Columns in HAVING clause must appear in the GROUP BY (or be contained within an aggregate). List the customers whose average rental price for reserved films is greater than $3. SELECT Name FROMCustomer, Reserved, Film WHERE Customer.CustomerID = Reserved.CustomerID AND Reserved.FilmID = Film.FilmID GROUP BY Name HAVING AVG(RentalPrice) > 3 Note, RentalPrice appears within an aggregate
--The SQL Query Language DML--19 Summary A query in SQL can consist of up to six clauses, but only the first two, SELECT and FROM, are mandatory. The clauses are specified in the following order. SELECT column(s) FROM table list WHERE condition GROUP BY grouping column(s) HAVING group condition ORDER BY sort list
--The SQL Query Language DML--20 Summary, cont. The query is evaluated in a different order. The tables in the from clause are combined using Cartesian products. The where predicate is then applied. The resulting tuples are grouped according to the group by clause. The having predicate is applied to each group, possibly eliminating some groups. The aggregate(s) are applied to each remaining group. The select clause is performed last (followed by order clause).
--The SQL Query Language DML--21 Order of Clause Evaluation 1.FROM 2.WHERE – optional 3.GROUP BY - optional, defaults to 1 group 4.HAVING – optional 5.SELECT - (generalized) projection 6.ORDER BY - optional