Grant Writing: Just the Facts Prepared by Matt Maurer
Important Terms and Acronyms Priority Initiative RPF – Request for Proposal Program Officer PI – Principle Investigator Assurances Disclosures
Types of Funding Organizations GovernmentFoundationCorporate Local xxxxxx State xxxxxx National xxxx
Sources of Information Federal Register (all federal grants) Teacher/Education journals (grant watch) Grant Watch Newsletters The Web
Grant Proposal Formats (You Fund a Plan) Executive summary Background/history Vision/mission Goals and objectives Project description Evaluation Personnel Budget
Proposal Format (The Real Deal) Follow the RFP guidelines Give them what they have asked for!! Complete is essential Short is better than long any day
Submission of Your Proposal Make sure you have all parts and signatures Most initiatives have deadlines and late is like it never happened Send registered with return receipt Make yourself a full, clean copy
After Submission “Waiting is the hardest part.” If you win, you get more work If you proposal is not funded, you usually get feedback
A Final Thought There are no winners or losers. There are only funded projects and projects yet to be funded. Matt Maurer