By: Hannah Eggert, Angela Sabuco, & Derik Stone
History of the PITA Founded in 1995 by Jack Riggs in Kingston, Ontario Canada. Founded in 1995 by Jack Riggs in Kingston, Ontario Canada. Quick service restaurant Quick service restaurant New and unique approach New and unique approach Healthy, fresh, and fast, with a friendly informal atmosphere and a varied and flavorful menu. Healthy, fresh, and fast, with a friendly informal atmosphere and a varied and flavorful menu. Target Market: college students and young professionals seeking a healthy food alternative. Target Market: college students and young professionals seeking a healthy food alternative.
Corvallis Pita Pit Corvallis Pita Pit Store Hours: Store Hours: Sun - Mon 10:30 am to Midnight Sun - Mon 10:30 am to Midnight Tues - Wed 10:30 am to 1 am Tues - Wed 10:30 am to 1 am Thurs to Sat 10:30 am to 3:30 am Thurs to Sat 10:30 am to 3:30 am Accepts delivery and fax orders Accepts delivery and fax orders Proud sponsors of the ASOSU Beaver Bus Proud sponsors of the ASOSU Beaver Bus Location Location Location Pita Rollers Pita Rollers Pita Rollers Pita Rollers
The S&W of Swot Strengths Strengths Open Late! Open Late! Great location! Great location! Healthy Healthy Delivers Delivers Coupons Coupons Discount Cards Discount Cards Weaknesses Kind of expensive Limited seating Signing/Front Display
The O&T of SWOT Opportunities Opportunities More grills More grills More employees during busy hours More employees during busy hours More advertising More advertising More advertising More advertising Threats Subway Big Town Hero Sargo’s Subs
National Site Pita Pit has over 200 stores throughout North America Pita Pit has over 200 stores throughout North America Pita Pit planned on opening their 100 th USA store in April 2006 Pita Pit planned on opening their 100 th USA store in April 2006 Healthy Healthy Tasty Tasty Casual & Friendly Casual & Friendly Convenient Convenient
Build your own Pita Nutritional Benefits Nutritional Benefits Build your own Build your own Build your own Build your own
Franchising Began in Canada in 1997 & in the U.S. in 1999 Began in Canada in 1997 & in the U.S. in 1999 ??’s to ask yourself... ??’s to ask ask yourself. to ask yourself. $$$ $$$ $$$ Papa LOVES Pita! Papa LOVES Pita!
Pitabago Bus Launched the Pitabago National Tour Tuesday, March 21, Touring the country for potential franchisees Traveling Through: Minnesota in September
Meet the Gang... PeteyOllie EggbertTommy