BACKGROUND The Social Development Fund (SDF) is a state organisation partially funded by the state budget. The Social Development Fund (SDF) is a state organisation partially funded by the state budget. It was established by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic in 2004.
DEFINITION The Social Development Fund is the final beneficiary of funds from the European Social Fund It also serves as the National support structure of the Community Initiative EQUAL
PARTNERS AND DONORS The Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic The establishing body of the Social Development Fund The World Bank Provided the grant for the establishment of SDF The European Social Fund SDF is the final beneficiary of funds from the European Social Fund
PARTNERS AND DONORS The Community Initiative EQUAL The Social Development Fund serves as the national supporting structure of the Community Initiative EQUAL The Embassy of the UK in the SR A grant provided by the United Kingdom has been allocated mainly for the purposes of training of members of the SDF Executive Unit, and regional and local consultants
AIM SDF provides funds for projects aiming at the increasing of employment and inclusion of socially week and excluded groups into the society. The aim of the SDF is to improve the inclusion of groups at risk and marginalised groups and communities via community development, and enable access to economic opportunities and social services.
TARGET GROUPS The Social Development Fund focuses on poor communities and groups of people who are at a high risk of social exclusion.
TARGET GROUPS geographically isolated groups of the geographically isolated groups of the poor, particularly the Roma settlements; the unemployed in deprived areas; the unemployed in deprived areas; other vulnerable groups including disabled other vulnerable groups including disabled people, the homeless, elderly lonely persons, drug and alcohol addicts.
ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE The Social Development Fund (SDF) consists of the Steering Committee the Steering Committee the Executive Unit the Executive Unit Regional Units and Regional Units and Local Units who provide support to Local Social Inclusion Partnerships (LSIPs) in terms of methodology and coordination. Local Units who provide support to Local Social Inclusion Partnerships (LSIPs) in terms of methodology and coordination.
PRINCIPLES A) Community demand orientation B) Community/beneficiaries’ participation C) Partnership D) Programming and Concentration of Funds E) Sustainability G) Economic effectiveness and efficiency E) Impartiality and Transparency
TYPOLOGY OF PROJECTS Type 1: Economic Development and Employment. The objective is to improve economic situation in targeted communities and stimulate employment of marginalized groups and communities by creating micro-projects for target groups, providing training and advisory services for starting small businesses and follow up consulting services. Type 2: Basic communal services and infrastructure. The objective is to improve access to quality and efficient communal services for poor communities (such as access to electricity, water, hygiene). The project will fund, on a competitive basis, community micro-project proposals for rehabilitation and building of infrastructure and improvement of the quality of communal services. Type 3: Community based social care services. The objective is to improve access to better quality and relevant community-based social care services for vulnerable target groups.
GRANTS Call of the SDF/2004/01 for proposals of projects under the programme „Increasing employability of groups at risk or affected by social exclusion by means of Social Inclusion Partnerships“
GRANTS Call of the SDF/2004/02 for proposals of projects under the programme "Development of Local Infrastructure"
SDF/2004/01 Financed from the European Social Fund 15 mil. EURO (2004 – 2006)
SDF/2004/01 A. Establishment of social inclusion partnerships and providing methodological help in the area of identification of needs, objectives and micro projects with an aim to achieve the project aim. B. Financial support of (micro)projects - counselling services provided to target groups - assessment of the work potential of a target group - preparation of employment plans providing assistance on the open labour market - supporting development of local services in the area of employment and job creation - providing support to social field workers - activities focussing at quality leisure time of children and young people from families at risk of social exclusion as a supporting measure for people already included in other programmes - preparation of employment and marketing plans at the local and regional level - building partnerships with employers and institutions responsible for active employment policy - identification of target groups and key social parameters, analyses of needs of target groups - incentive and motivating programmes - innovative approaches to employment at community level - support, counselling and activities in the area of further education - activities to support social economy, develop employment plans and support self- employed people - preparation and implementation of training programmes aiming at the re-inclusion of a target group to society and labour market - establishment of interest associations and initiatives aimed at the strengthening of solidarity within community - other activities to mobilisation and stimulate target groups
SDF/2004/02 Financed from the state budget 9.5 mil. EURO (2004 – 2006)
SDF/2004/02 Area 1) Investment projects supporting training, business, work and social incubators, educational and advice centres, protected workshops, resocialisation facilities, agencies and centres providing social care services and services for marginalised groups, social facilities, hospices, community centres, contact and advice centres. Area 2) Support and development of community and social care services for marginalised groups Area 3) Support of community initiatives aimed at renovation and development of towns and communities The target group are people affected by and/or at risk of social exclusion, people living in closed, socially isolated communities with high rate of social dependence, people affected by social pathology mainly due to long-term unemployment.
GEOGRAPHICAL TARGETING Banská Bystrica Region 1. Banská Štiavnica, Žarnovica and Žiar nad Hronom, 2. Krupina and Veľký Krtíš, 3. Detva, 4. Brezno, 5. Revúca, 6. Lučenec, 7. Rimavská Sobota, 8. Poltár Košice Region 1. Trebišov, 2. Michalovce and Sobrance, 3. Košice, 4. Rožňava, 5. Gelnica and Spišská Nová Ves Prešov Region 1. Humenné and Snina, 2. Medzilaborce and Stropkov, 3. Prešov and Sabinov, 4. Vranov n.Topľou, 5. Poprad and Levoča, 6. Kežmarok and Stará Ľubovňa, 7. Bardejov and Svidník Nitra Region 1. Nové Zámky, Komárno and Šaľa, 2. Zlaté Moravce, 3. Levice Žilina Region 1. Dolný Kubín and Tvrdošín, 2. Liptovský Mikuláš and Ružomberok, 3. Martin and Turč. Teplice, 4. Bytča, Čadca and Kysucké Nové Mesto
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT FUND Špitálska Bratislava Slovakia Tel.: , Fax: