Introduction to International Law Research Amy Burchfield November 20, 2007
There’s a Difference, You Know International Law Foreign Law Comparative Law Public International Law Private International Law
Sources of International Law: Art. 38(1) of the ICJ Statute The Court shall apply: a. international conventions b. international custom c. the general principles of law d. judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists
And the Oscar Goes To… (Actors in International Law) States IGOs NGOs Natural Persons & Groups
Treaties ICCPR UNCLOS ICERD CBD Kyoto ICESCR CISG TRIPS For more background on treaties, check out this Researching Treaties Tutorial:
International Courts & Tribunals PICT: Project on Int’l Courts & Tribunals : ICJ ICC ECJ ECHR InterAm CHR ICTR ICTY SCSL Cambodia WTO Appellate Body Iraqi Tribunal Notice all those abbreviations? Well…
There’s Some Latin & French Thrown in There, Too jus ad bellum jus in bello jus cogens ex aequo et bono uti possidetis erga omnes compromis refoulement travaux rapporteur
It’s Everywhere Family law Business transactions Transnational litigation Taxation Environmental regulations It’s in Ohio …
Top Ten Research Tools EISIL ODS ILM Foreign Law Guide Treatises AJIL Current Awareness Research Guides Citation Dictionaries & Encyclopedias