2005 Administrative Services Program Reviews As we strive towards continuous improvement
Program Review Schedule Business Office 2004 – completed Computing Services 2005 – completed Operations and Maintenance 2006 Personnel Office 2007 and the cycle continues-----
Qualitative Data Satisfaction Surveys
Quantifiable Data Workload Ratios Workload Trends
2004 Program Review Action items and where we are with them.
2005 Annual and Comprehensive Program Review Summaries, Highlights, Accomplishments and Strategies for the Upcoming Year
David’s Objectives –short list Improve the college’s budget and financial reports and utilize the Administrative Services website to provide timely data and information. Improve the budget allocation methodology to reward performance and allocate tuitions based on enrollments.
Continued 2 Follow through on the college’s numerous CIP RM projects: Science Bldg design, Student Center Renovation, Greenhouse, Molokai Farm, Electrical distribution system, Autobody paintbooth, Emergency telephones, Fire alarm upgrade, interior and exterior lighting retrofits, chiller repairs, etc, etc.
Continued 3 Assist OM with filling vacant/new positions, then fully implement the maximo preventative maintenance system. Address the post-Steve George era,… creation of a consolidated Information Technology unit (Computing, Telecom, Media).
Continued 4 Re-examine our personnel and business office procedures in order to minimize redundancy and shorten timelines. Others that Clyde gives us