Assignment 8 Sample problems
Here is a popular Irish folk song, name The Rattlin' Bog, which talks about a bog in a valley. The song is a cumulative song, as it has a list at the end of each verse which grows throughout the piece. Some parts of this folk is here(I have made some changes on it). Make a Scratch program that uses “say” to print out all the words for all 10 verses in correct order. Use loops or subroutines so you don’t repeat the same words in the script. 10 verses are marked in red in the folk.
Hi ho, the rattlin' bog,The bog down in the valley-o, Now on that branch there was a twig Now on that twig there was a leaf Now on that leaf there was a nest Now on that nest there was an egg Now on that egg there was a bird Now on that bird there was a wing Now on that wing there was a feather Now on that feather there was a flea Now on that flea there was a rash