Chapter 14 Analyzing Qualitative Data
PLANNING THE ANALYSIS Transcribing the Data –Deciding what computer program to use, if any –Deciding who will transcribe the data Establishing General Rules for the Analysis –Previewing the data –Keeping a journal
DOING THE ANALYSIS First-Level Coding –Identifying meaning units –Creating categories –Assigning codes to categories –Refining and reorganizing categories Second-Level Coding –Comparing categories
LOOKING FOR MEANING Interpreting Data and Building Theory –Developing conceptual classifications systems Draw a cluster diagram Make a matrix Count the number of times a meaning unit or category appears Create a metaphor Look for missing links Note contradictory evidence –Presenting themes or theory Assessing the Trustworthiness of the Results –Establishing our own credibility –Establishing the dependability of the data The context of the interviews Triangulation Member checking –Establishing our control of biases and preconceptions