Basic Science in 21 st Century August 2007 For the Taiwan People M. Koshiba.


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Presentation transcript:

Basic Science in 21 st Century August 2007 For the Taiwan People M. Koshiba

Sad! I can not use Chinese nor Japanese here. I have to speak in my poor English and it has to be translated into Chinese to be understood by you people. The official language of basic science is broken English. This is the results of past centuries in which present day science has been developed by European and American people. We have to change the tide.

1)The basic science does not produce any results profitable to any industry. 2) Therefore, the promotion of basic science is entirely in the hands of the national government. 3) In the past 20th century, the frontier of basic science was exploited in USA and in Europe using the highest energy accelerators. 4) In this 21st century, it should be, we hope, the turn of Asian young people to play the leading role in advancing the frontier of basic science.

5) For this to actually happen, it seems very advisable to have the Asian Governments get together to invite Linear Collider Center somewhere in Asia. (I have already made preliminary contacts on this possibility with the Chinese Academy of Science, the Taiwan Academy of Science and the Singapore authorities. They were all in favor. I will visit India soon for the same purpose.) 6) As to the basic science education, it seems worthwhile to consider an Asian version of Lindau meeting. (I have discussed also this possibility with the above authorities.) This year there will be 2 Mini-Lindau’s in Asia, one in Taiwan and one in Japan.

DESY @ Hamburg CERN @ Geneve FNAL @ Chicago SLAC @ Stanford KEK @ Tsukuba SLC Tristan Proton synchrotron Linear Collider Tevatron LHC Synchrocyclotron Betatron Progress of accelerators Electrostatic accel. Electron synchrotron Cyclotron LEP HERA

Tristan ( Japan ) SLC SPEAR PEP SppS ISR The Highest Energy Accelerator to Asia !! HERA Europe US PETRA LEP/LHC DORIS Asia TEVATRON 15 5 km

International Space Station Boyger Hubble telescopeSUBARU telescope Challenge to Frontier Plasma Wall: 14BLYrs ( 0.38MYrs from Big Bang ) Go to the Edge of Universe See the end of Universe Create the Edge of Universe Big Bang Linear Collider Andromeda 6

Standard Model of Particle Physics LHC: 2007 〜 ILC: 201X 〜 NOW Beyond Standard Model What are we made of ? What is the basic law of nature ? The Standard model is good. But, Higgs is misssing, No gravity, No unification of forces, No explanation for neutrino mass, dark matter/dark energy  Explorer TeV scale origin of mass (=vacuum) new space-time symmetry extra dimensions ….

Damping Ring Surface Facility Access Tunnel ILC Facility Detector Electron positron collider (E cm = 1 TeV) using superconducting RF technology Main Linac ~ 50 km straight tunnel Ultra-high accelerating gradient Ultra-low emittance beam

Together with Industry Frontier Technologies Civil EngineeringCraft’s Skills

Architecture Complex System of Frontier Technologies Computing Precise System Control Innovations

ILCSC World-wide design team International Linear Collider Steering Committee ICFA ALCSC ALCSC ACFA ELCSC ECFA USLCSC HEPAP GDE USEUAsia IUPAP International Union of Pure and Applied Physics International Council of Scientific Unions ICSU International Committee For Future Accelerators Global Efforts towards ILC H.S.Chen(IHEP,Beijing) et al Team members from IHEP, KEK, DESY, FNAL, CERN, and universities around the world

World-wide Cooperation in ILC accelerator R&D New participation is highly welcome !

Official statement of Ministerial Meeting High Energy Physics 21.Ministers acknowledged the importance of ensuring access to large-scale research infrastructure and the importance of the long-term vitality of high-energy physics. They noted the worldwide consensus of the scientific community, which has chosen an electron-positron linear collider as the next accelerator-based facility to complement and expand on the discoveries that are likely to emerge from the Large Hadron Collider currently being built at CERN.

They agreed that the planning and implementation of such a large, multi-year project should be carried out on a global basis, and should involve consultations among not just scientists, but also representatives of science funding agencies from interested countries. Accordingly, Ministers endorsed the statement prepared by the OECD Global Science Forum Consultative Group on High-Energy Physics (Annex 3).

Thank you for your patience Let us cooperate with the people of other Asian countries to produce: The 21 st Century for Asian youth.