Leadership Ch 13 Part 1: April 7, 2009
Leadership Process by which someone influences group to attain a group/org goal Leaders as distinct from managers – how so? Theoretical approaches to leadership – –Trait theories –Behavior theories –Charismatic/Transformational (change) theories –Contingency theories –Self-leadership theories
Trait Theories Leaders have distinct traits “Great person theory” – traits remain consistent over time, groups –Early studies focused on demographic traits with inconsistent results –What does current research focus on? Current evaluation of this theory?
Leader Behavior Theories Several theories focus on dimensions of what leaders do: –1. Participative v. Autocratic Leadership See book (how much influence is given out?) 2-dimensional model of subordinate participation –Autocratic v Democratic –Permissive v Directive
Leader Behaviors (cont.) 2. OSU Leadership studies – 50s –2 dimensions: Concern with people = consideration Concern with task = initiating structure –Independent dimensions assessed w/Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) –What leads to best outcomes? –Criticisms of OSU approach?
Behavior Theories: Exchange Theories Focus on interactions of leaders & followers 3. Leader-Member Exchange theory (LMX) –George Graen (70s) – leaders treat subordinates differently –In-groups and out-groups –Cyclical nature of interactions w/in-group –How is ingroup chosen? –What is impacted?
Change Theories Theories that focus on characteristics of leaders to initiate/manage change (like trait theory) –1. Charismatic Leadership – case studies of famous leaders See book for dimensions (self-confidence, vision, extraordinary behaviors, etc.) May not be needed except in times of crisis
Change Theories (cont.) 2. Transformational Leadership –Guide ees by showing them the problems, give support, and focus efforts on solution –How does it differ from transactional leadership? –Currently very popular, but still focus on universal, not situational factors.
Contingency Theories Focus on which leadership styles are most effective under which conditions 1. Fiedler’s LPC theory –Leader traits & situational aspects are impt –Trait of most importance is your assessment of your Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) –Evaluate that personal favorably/unfavorably? –…continue in Part 2 –Read Seyranian & Bligh article for Thurs (link on web)