GIEFA: Inter-American Group for the Eradication of Foot-and- Mouth Disease Presentation for the 18th OIE America’s Conference Florianopolis, Brazil Nov 30th, 2006 Sebastião Costa Guedes GIEFA Chairman GIEFA: Inter-American Group for the Eradication of Foot-and- Mouth Disease Presentation for the 18th OIE America’s Conference Florianopolis, Brazil Nov 30th, 2006 Sebastião Costa Guedes GIEFA Chairman
Hemispheric Conference for the Eradication of Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Houston, TX., March 2004 with sponsorship of the PAHO and USDA. FAO,IDB,IICA,OIE,OIRSA,WB,WHO,WTO participants. “Houston Declaration”. GIEFA Group (12 members/6 COHEFA’s regions +4 members Par, Bol, Equa and Venez. from public and private sectors). Plan of Action for 5 years:
Plan GIEFA US$ for five year project, it means US$ /year (original budget); These resources should be complementary to nationals FMD eradication projects; Resources come from donors or sponsors as well from solicited loans; Donors or sponsors can choice theirs partners to receive and to manage the funds; Possible resources public or private from FMD free areas(PL 480 USA).
Plan GIEFA GIEFA will be responsible to analyze the regional plans, the schedule of activities and the chronogram of investments to give his approval to the donors. The follow-up of the investments and tasks can be made by GIEFA too, if desirable by the donors.
Objective and Final Goal Of PHEFA. Eradication of the FMD, untill the year 2010; Preventing the disease from entering free areas in the Continent; Strenghtening the zoosanitary infraestructure of the countries in the region; Integration Public and Private.
GIEFA ACTIONS PLAN Harmonize control/eradication actions, by: –Strengthening local level structures; –Integrating livestock owners, industry and public sector; –Creating Joint multinational programs on risk border areas –Strengthening of regional institutions; –Laboratory Improvement – High security lab at PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO; –Prevention and Epidemiological Surveillance.
GIEFA’s Priority Zones Venezuela Ecuador River Amazonas banks +unknown risk zones northern Brasil Border Brasil- Bolivia Chaco:ARG-BOL- PAR Border Brasil-Paraguai
THE BEST MOMENT FOR THE ERADICATION OF FMD IS NOW ! The outbreaks had drastic reduction; Problem persists in very delimited critical areas; There is strong motivation for the private sector to cooperate due the great losses with the last outbreaks.
Colombia: Ecuador: Peru: Bolívia: Venezuela: Guyanas: Free Brasil: Paraguay: Uruguay: Chile:Free Argentina: * Untill October 2006 FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE OUTBREAKS in SOUTH AMERICA *
PUBLIC AND PRIVATE FUNDS FMD Programs South America, (US$)
FMD Regionalization, South America, March, 2006 After May 06,OIE gave aproval for south of Pará Free without vaccination Free with vaccination No libre Status temporally suspended* *Brazil: PR,SP,MG,GO,BA, RJ,ES,SE,MS,MT,TO,DF Argentina: North of Paralel 42
GIEFA : Last Actions 2006 March- meeting in S.Paulo with meat exporters and cattlemen’s leadership of Mercosul. Proposal- US$ 5 /Ton exported bovine meat to support the 5years plan(US$ 48,323 tsd).
Reactions to the Proposal Argentina and Brazil in principle were in favour, but they asked for more details about the plans for each region. Argentina had legal restrictions to export at that moment. Now the situation is better, but not normal.
GIEFA: NEW BUDGET TOTAL FOR THE 5 YEARS OF THE PLAN RegionBudget (thousands) Chaco – Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay (International funds only for Bolivia and Paraguay) US$ 2,992 Amazon River– Brazil (only Brazilians funds) US$ 3,953 Brazil/Bolivia Border area (International funds only for Bolivia) US$ 7,534 Brazil/ Paraguay Border area (International funds only for Paraguay) US$ 10,380 Ecuador (International funds)US$ 9,661 Venezuela – not budgeted so far... (only Venezuelan funds) Total US$ 34,520
GIEFA: FOLLOWING ACTIONS The new budget will be discussed with the private sector of the region. (International resources will be received only to assist the regions or countries in need of our continent: Bolivia, Equador and Paraguay). Venezuela will be visited and invited to integrate the plan.
GIEFA: SOME CONCLUSIONS AFTER MEETINGS WITH THE PRIVATE SECTOR. They prefer to have freedom to choice theirs partners for the donation or sponsorship; They are not in accordance with the management of the resources only by the governments or international institutions; They agree that the institutions should be payed by theirs services but with a previous negociation.
Building alliances for an America free of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) GIEFA