Enhancing the Learning of Under-qualified Black Teachers in Eastern Cape Province The story of one teacher’s adventure into Action Research Noreen Burton School of In-service Programmes Faculty of Education University of Fort Hare (East London) South Africa Education in a Changing Environment: Salford University, 2007
2 Eastern Cape
4 The Changing South African Scene Restructuring of higher education and massification of education Broader entry to tertiary studies Teacher Training Colleges closed Introduction of Curriculum 2005 completed in GET band [primary]
5 The Changing South African Scene Electrification of villages and schools Lack of facilities and resources hampers implementation in some schools Larger number of distance students (200 Km) without access to computers, but some access to internet café’s
6 Changing Teacher Education Scene in SA Legacy of apartheid teacher education Upgrade needed to become qualified New curriculum with LO’s and AS’s based on the SA Constitution, requiring –New teaching methods –New assessment strategies –Preparing learners for a changing future where knowledge is power.
7 Langelitsha School
8 Bulumko Primary School
9 Philemon Ngcelwane Senior School
10 Peri-urban: Chumani
11 Nosipho’s Classroom
12 Interior of a classroom
13 Nosipho’s Classroom
14 Challenges South Africa bottom in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) Lack of content knowledge and practice Change needs to happen in the primary school
15 Advanced Certificate in Education Designed as a re-skilling course Used for up-grading the qualifications of in-service teachers with Matric + 3 years teacher training Two years part-time Weekend contact sessions account for 40% of time
16 Student Challenges English is a second language Lack of academic culture Weak literacy and numeracy skills Low level of computer literacy Distance and part-time students Too much work to cover in 2 years part- time
17 Changing UFH Environment and Challenges Campus bursting at the seams Insufficient computer lab space Lack of technical support over weekends No teaching facilities for science practicals
19 Changing UFH Environment and Challenges Students do not come to campus between sessions Students do not make sufficient use of the library or computers
20 Research Question How can I help my students to become effective change agents for science teaching in the new South Africa?
21 Action Research Cycle One
22 Cycle One Research Question Will the provision of detailed resource notes improve my students content knowledge and improve their teaching? How can I help my students to become effective change agents for science teaching in the new South Africa?
Action plan Photocopied content handouts Practical work using recycled materials / improvised materials Teaching science in a standard classroom modelled Week-long computer courses Assignments to be word-processed
Action plan Data: 19 students from G1 – G12, 1 dropout Qualitative data All students passed (some took 3 years) Examination results Student portfolio End of year evaluation My reflections
– 2003 Student Evaluation and Lecturer Reflection Very little improvement in content knowledge and understanding compared to past years Primary school teachers found text too dense, language difficult Students had to borrow senior school text books Content was not covered in sufficient detail
– 2003 Student Evaluation and Lecturer Reflection Practical activities appreciated Teaching methods applied in schools Computer literacy only marginally improved. Majority paid for typing to be done. Visual material needed
27 Action Research Cycle 2
28 Cycle 2 Research Question Will providing interactive content notes and visual material and requiring students to reflect in a journal on the process of learning achieve change in students’ assimilation and application of knowledge? How can I help my students to become effective change agents for science teaching in the new South Africa?
Plan Concentrate on GET Band (GR – 9) Interactive content books prepared for each theme in Natural Sciences. Visual material and extra notes for content placed on university intranet Introduce WWW as the starting point for computer skills
Plan Short tests on each unit for each theme Model different teaching strategies Literacy courses in year 2 Journal to encourage ‘deep learning’
Action plan Data: 20 students, 1 dropout (4 students finishing off this year) Examination results Student evaluation and reflections via journals (qualitative) End of year evaluation analysis My reflections
– 2006 Student Evaluation and Lecturer Reflection 70% of students returned evaluation forms Everyone found the visual material either quite helpful, very helpful or extremely helpful Teachers copied notes and visuals for use at home and in schools where computers were available Most students found the journal ‘quite helpful Two students did not find them helpful
– 2006 Student Evaluation and Lecturer Reflection Content knowledge and understanding improved Computer skills improved significantly WWW encouraged personal research
– 2006 Student Evaluation and Lecturer Reflection Some teachers bought personal computers Need to be taught according to the grades taught Not enough contact time
35 Action Research Cycle 3
36 Cycle 3 Research Question Will ‘blended learning’ using WebCT improve student learning and application of knowledge? How can I help my students to become effective change agents for science teaching in the new South Africa?
– 2008 plan Continue with interactive theme books [2 per year] Contact sessions used for discussion and more advanced practical work Literacy courses in first term Introduce ‘Harry Wong’ tests Issue a SA text book on Science teaching
– 2008 Action Plan Computer skills integrated with intranet resources and course content Class list set up for class communication WebCT introduced to encourage more [virtual] contact time No journals Site visits
39 Learning to use a computer
40 Learning to use ‘unavailable’ technology
41 Working together
Action Plan Data: 22 students. 2 dropouts. Examination results Mid- and End of year evaluation My reflections
Student and Lecturer Mid-year evaluation Knowledge growing for most Computer skills greatly improved but not enough to introduce WebCT in 1 st semester Mathematics generally weak Distance learners feel disadvantaged Communication with students not good enough
44 Cycles within Cycles Site visits show that little change has occurred in the classroom. Talk and chalk. Must find a way to improve classroom practice Need student journals to inform my teaching Need a way to encourage and challenge students to do science.
45 Teachers’ Challenges to Classroom Implementation
46 Lack of classrooms and facilities Tshatshatsha Primary School. Deep rural Transkei. No electricity.
47 Lack of basic resources Tshatshatsha Primary School. Bare classrooms, No science resources.
48 Overcrowding
49 Lack of learning facilities
50 Lack of motivation “I’ve given up teaching science. I’m frustrated because there is no apparatus. Science is not ‘living’, it’s just talk and therefore I am not doing it until we get materials. We must let learners see for themselves, or it becomes abstract for the learners”. ACE 2006
Answers so far Change is slow and we have limited time, but I have got further than last cycle Teachers enjoy researching topics – next: practice being a scientist Computers enhance and stimulate learning
Way forward Ready to try WebCT Extra Mathematics I need to converse with my students
Way forward Expand WebCT in 2008 as a support medium – blended learning Introduce independent scientific research District workshops in using and managing science resources Negotiate for ACE laptops with wireless connection for use in class
54 What have I learned so far? Cycle 1: Visual and practical activities are exciting and encouraged participation Cycle 2: Interactive resources and Internet access promote learning and application Cycle 3: Off-campus access is important for adult learners
55 The adventure continues …