2011 North Carolina Immunization Conference August 2011 Iyabode Akinsanya-Beysolow, M.D., M.P.H. Medical Officer National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Atlanta, GA Provider Educational Resources
Target audience Resources for Providers - Physicians - Nurse Practitioners, - Physician Assistants - Nurses - Medical Assistants Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Provider Resources CDC’s vaccines website for Health care providers Immunization Action Coalition American Academy of Pediatrics Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia(CHOP) FDA National Library of Medicine – Medline Plus National Network for Immunization Information Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDC sites
Navigating the CDC Vaccines Website
Providers What’s new! Clinical Resources Administrative Tools Patient education Immunization Training Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Clinical Resources Immunization Schedules Vaccine Recommendations – Who makes them – Who is the ACIP? Pink Book – Epidemiology and Prevention of VPD’s (12 th edition) Vaccine Shortages/Recalls, Travelers, ● VAERS Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Provider Administrative Tools Storage and Handling of Supplies Vaccine Administration VFC (Vaccines for Children) VIS Standing Orders Reminder Systems and Strategies for Increasing Rates
Patient Education Educating Patients Parents who question vaccines Spanish language information Vaccine Safety
Provider Education All Training and CE Offerings ● Free CE offerings ● Vaccine Preventable Diseases ● Downloadable posters, flyers, training materials
What would best suit your training needs? A comprehensive overview about immunizations and vaccine-preventable diseases? Four- part series, Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases – Internet or DVD- Four 3 hour sessions, or Live 2-day course Pink Book, 12 th edition
What would best suit your training needs? An interactive self-study on specific vaccines – Immunization: You call the Shots – set up as modules Each module 1-2 hours to complete, self-paced
What would best suit your training needs? An online course on adult vaccination and strategies to increase coverage rates? - Increasing Adult Vaccination Rates: WhatWorks - web based
What would best suit your training needs? A webcast on best practices for the immunization patient visit – The Immunization Encounter: Critical Issues Two hours Patient intake, screening, Vaccine Admin Vaccine Management, Documentation, etc.
What would best suit your training needs? An annual update on immunizations and vaccines – Annual update, 2-hour program – Latest August 2011
What would best suit your training needs? A one-hour lunch-time presentation on current issues – Net conferences offered 4-5 times a year
What would best suit your training needs? Print materials providing detailed discussions of vaccine recommendations – MMWR immunization articles
CE training For all your CE needs from CDC - Bank Account of your CE (via CDC) - Printable certificates
Resources from other sites AAP IAC CHOP – patient education sheets Every Child by Two North Carolina’s Immunization Program – – Check your vials poster (Td, Tdap, DTaP) – California’s Dept of Public Health Immunization Program – EZ- IZ, – Alliance for Immunization in Michigan – Aim Toolkit, –
What should you have in your office? Web access: Pink Book 12 th edition Immunization Works CD Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Contact us Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Immunization