Pertemuan 11 Presentations Matakuliah: J0012/ Komunikasi Bisnis I Tahun : 2008
Bina Nusantara Planning Presentations Analyze Situation Select Medium Organize Message
Bina Nusantara Analyzing the Situation PurposePurpose InformInform PersuadePersuade CollaborateCollaborate AudienceAudience Emotional State Language Issues Specific Circumstances
Bina Nusantara Selecting the Medium Electronic Presentations Electronic Presentations In-Person Presentations In-Person Presentations
Bina Nusantara Organizing Presentations AudiencePurpose Audience Message Limit the Scope Prepare the Outline Choose the Approach Define the Main Idea
Bina Nusantara Creating the Introduction Arouse Interest Build Credibility Preview Message Limit Main Points Connect Ideas Engage Audience Restate Main Points Describe Next Steps Close Presentation
Bina Nusantara Completing Presentations Master Delivery Prepare to Speak Overcome Anxiety Handle Questions
Bina Nusantara Preparing to Speak Location Audience Content
Bina Nusantara Overcoming Anxiety Practice for success Prepare extra material Think positively Visualize success Take deep breaths Be ready to go Don’t panic Get comfortable Focus on the message Seek friendly faces Keep on going Check the equipment
Bina Nusantara Appearing Confident Don’t rushDon’t rush Make eye contactMake eye contact Stand tallStand tall Control gesturesControl gestures Use your voiceUse your voice
Bina Nusantara Selecting Visual Aids Overhead Transparencies Electronic Presentations Chalkboards or Whiteboards Flip Charts of Flip Books Other Visual Combinations
Bina Nusantara Creating Effective Slides SelectingDesignSelectingDesignBeingConsistentBeingConsistentAddingAnimationAddingAnimation WritingContentWritingContentModifyingGraphicsModifyingGraphics
Bina Nusantara Modifying Graphics for Slides Use Whitespace Highlight Key Points Choose a Clear Font Reduce Details Avoid Repetition Shorten Numbers
Bina Nusantara Selecting Design Elements Color Schemes Background Designs Artwork and Visuals Fonts and Type Styles
Bina Nusantara Adding Animation and Special Effects Functional Animation Transitions and Builds Action Buttons/Hyperlinks Multimedia Elements
Bina Nusantara Completing Slides and Support MaterialsReadableReadableSimple and Consistent Simple Audience-CenteredAudience-Centered Clear and Focused Concise and Grammatical Grammatical Fully Operational
Bina Nusantara Practicing Your Delivery Present Naturally Track Your Time Check the Equipment Speak Clearly Introduce the Slides Anticipate Objections Plan for Questions Check Message Clarity