Tele-Immersion Summer 2002
What is Tele-Immersion Networked Virtual Reality High Speed Network: Internet 2 Virtual Reality computer generated, interactive, three- dimensional environment in which a person is immersed
About Tele-Immersion Will transform the way people collaborate at a distance computers recognize the presence and movements of individuals and objects track those individuals and images permit them to be projected in realistic, multiple, geographically distributed immersive environments on stereo- immersive surfaces.
Virtual Reality High performance computer graphics system Interactive Immersive Fully & Partially Immersive
Surround Environments CAVE (Fully immersive) 3 rear-projected screens for walls and a reflective projection for the floor Stereographic LCD shutter glasses High-resolution, high bandwidth Computer controlled audio, support multiple speakers Tracking system for users’ head movements
Surround Environments (cont’d) Responsive Workbench Tabletop environment Stereo graphics via projector-and- mirror system Shuttered glasses Tracking system for head, as well as gloves and stylus to interact
Surround Environments (cont’d) Both CAVE and Responsive Workbench are quite expensive $1,000,000 for CAVE Our goal – build low cost VE $10,000 or less Horizontal Virtual Table (had before) Vertical Virtual Table (soon)
Virtual CAM
Software VR toolkits: CavernSoft VRJuggler VisAD Graphic APIs: Java3D OpenGL
Hardware Graphics Chip Nvidia GeForce4 Graphics Card 3DLabs WildcatII 6210 SGI Nvidia GeForce4