CIA 2003 th International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents CIA th International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents DIA: Data Integration using Agents Philip Medcraft, Ulrich Schiel, Cláudio Baptista Universidade Federal de Campina Grande Paraíba - Brazil
Introduction Web new requirements for data integration. The Semantic Web ontologies to solve the semantic heterogeneity. Federated Database Ontology. Ontologies & software agents data integration
Introduction - DIA A solution for semantic integration of data in a federated database, using mobile agents and ontologies. Solve the following problems: Unnecessary access to all data sources; Excessive data flow.
Introduction An ontology defines the concepts and relationships between concepts of a particular domain. Ontology the global schema of a federation of DBs. Rules Global-Local Schema mapping
Mobile Agents Some benefits: Reduce network traffic; Execute autonomously; Adapt dynamically; Plattform independent.
Design Patterns Mobile agent patterns. Itinerary pattern (modified). Master-slave pattern.
DIA DIA Architecture
DIA – Preparing the mobile agent itinerary The Master-agent knows the schemas of the federated databases. Given a global query select the host whose schema attend the query (Selected itinerary)
DIA – Preparing the mobile agent itinerary Given the following query: SELECT Cod, SUM(Credits) FROM Customer WHERE Cod = “02757” A database whose schema does not contain a corresponding attribute to the “Credits” element, cannot attend the query.
DIA – Improving the Itinerary Pattern Categories of queries: return before if query has been attended Dynamic itinerary. visit all databases of the itinerary Static itinerary;
DIA – Improving the Itinerary Pattern Ex 1: “Give me the clients whose salaries are above 1,000”. STATIC Ex 2: “Is the salary of “Philip” above 1,000?”. DYNAMIC Ex 3: “Give me the sum of the salaries of clients whose credit limits are above 1,000”. STATIC Ex 4: “Give me the name of a client where the sum debits is superior to 10,000”. DYNAMIC
DIA – Local Integration Concatenation Integration (by an aggregate function)
DIA – Local Integration Result example in XML syntax
DIA Integrating two XML results
DIA – The federated system interface The interface
DIA – Implementation and test Java + JDBC JXML (DAML-OIL graphical representation) Grasshopper TEST with a federation of 3 DBMS: Oracle + Interbase + SQL Server
Conclusion Distributed corporations have a group of well known databases which maintain: The knowledge of the stored information; The stability of the federation members.
Conclusion Ontology: Global Schema; Rules for mapping to local schemas Mobile agents: Reduce information flow; Adequately choose the data sources to be consulted.